Ebook-Publisher v1.0
A Python tool for converting online stories into portable formats
Currently supported sites:
- fanfiction.net
- literotica.com
Currently supported file types:
- plain text files
- epub ebook files
Ebook-Publisher requires the following:
- Python3
- Beautiful Soup 4 (Python3 edition)
- ebooklib (for creating epub files)
Both external libraries can be installed with pip pip3 install beautifulsoup4 && pip3 install ebooklib
To run Ebook-Publisher, use the terminal or command prompt to execute Python3 and pass in Ebook-Publisher.py as well as the URL for the story and the preferred format:
python3 Ebook-Publisher.py www.some.website/stories/my-story txt
The second argument must be the URL and the third argument must be the preferred filetype. If you do not provide a preffered file type the code will default to .txt