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bayesCT is a R package for simulation and analysis of adaptive Bayesian randomized controlled trials under a range of trial designs and outcome types. Currently, it supports Gaussian, binomial, and time-to-event. The bayesCT package website is available here. Please note this package is still under development.


Prior to analyzing your data, the R package needs to be installed. The easiest way to install bayesCT is through CRAN:


bayesCT can also be downloaded and installed via GitHub. The most useful if want to download a specific version of the package (which can be found at

devtools::install_github("thevaachandereng/[email protected]")

# or 

devtools::install_version("bayesCT", version = "x.x.x", repos = "")

The latest developmental version of the package can be downloaded and installed by running:


After successful installation, the package must be loaded into the working space:



See the vignettes for usage instructions and example.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


bayesCT is available under the open source GNU General Public License, version 3.