jQuery plugin for getting attributes from jQuery collections.
Given the HTML
<div id="element1" data-color="red" data-checked="true" ng-click="clickFn()" enabled></div>
And the Javascript
'id': 'element1',
'data-color': 'red',
'data-checked': 'true',
'ng-click': 'clickFn()',
'enabled': ''
First you need to install the dependencies
npm install
./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install
Now you are able to have the server up and running. Go and start the server
grunt server
We have JSHint and Unit tests.
All of them can be run once using the following command
grunt test
You can see the coverage on the command line output or more details opening the test/coverage/index.html
file on your browser.
For running JSHint
grunt test:jshint
For running unit tests
grunt test:unit
For create a build run
grunt build
This task will also make sure all tests are passing before making the build.