Sioux City Music allows local bands (local to Sioux City, IA) to create a webpage for posting events and announcements that are easily accessible to fans!
- Create posts and events with linkable media.
- Delete and edit existing posts and events.
- Register new bands and new band members.
- React-Redux frontend with custom made modal system.
- Intuitive and responsive mobile design
- Allow users to create locations with individual web pages.
- Show and filter all bands posts and events on home page.
- Connect page to band Facebook and Google Image accounts.
- Improved styling.
- Top nav bar functionality on band pages.
- Multiple Cities!!
Venue links do not lead anywhere yet. Click a band, register a new band, or login to existing username.
login for artificial stars is user: manny1806 password: thinkful
Client side of the app built using:
-HTML5 and CSS
-JWT for validation
-Redux for state management
-Redux form for validation
Server built using the following:
-Express and Node.js
-MongoDB for database
-bcryptjs for encryption
Actions: In src/actions
Components: In src/components
Reducers: In src/reducers
Store: Contains all reducers in a combine reducer (in store.js)
Modal System: modal.js src/components (for managing pop up menus)