Vinylog is web application that allows users to create a private and secure account to catalog their vinyl collection so when record shopping, they can check to see if they already own that album. By searching for an album title or artists name, users can retrieve a list of album release data including title, album image, genre, and release year. Users will be able to save results to their collection, view their collection, and remove them as well.
- React
- Redux
- Node
- MongoDB
- JWT Auth
- Mocha/Chai testing on back-end
I used Discogs API to fetch data queried by the users search input. It is the worlds largest music database and marketplace.
API: []
Website: []
Login Page iPhone
Home Page iPhone
Search Page iPhone
Collection Page iPhone
Login Page iPad
Home Page iPad
Search Page iPad
Collection Page iPad
- Redux actions can be found in src/actions
- Redux reducers can be found in src/reducers
- CombinedReducers can be found in src/reducers/index.js
- React components can be found in src/components
- Components
- Header
- Register
- Login
- Landing Page
- Dashboard
- Search Results
- Collection
- Components
- Client validation can be found in src/validators
- Redux store can be found in src/store
- 3rd party API fetch can be found in src/fetch-albums.js
- Repo can be found at []
- JWT authentication can be found in /auth/strategies
- Models can be found in /models
- Routes can be found in /routes
- Tests can be found in /tests