This web application is for browsing through your Firefox bookmarks from a mobile device. It mimics the functionality of the former Firefox Home iOS app. My inspiration for it was a bug in Firefox Home that caused it to randomly re-arrange my bookmark ordering after I would add a new one from my desktop machine or laptop.
Version 1.0 was built on KnockoutJS and used the FxSyncNet wrapper to access Sync storage directly, via an ASP.NET web API back end. Version 2.0 was based on AngularJS and didn't attempt to connect to any Sync APIs. Instead it allowed you to upload a backup of your Firefox bookmarks in JSON form to a server, and then provided a way to download that data to your mobile device. The issue I kept running into was Mozilla would constantly change the login API such that I couldn't authenticate and grab bookmark data in the background.
Version 3.0 is a tech stack upgrade and for a while, a return to accessing Sync services for up-to-date bookmark data. The front end is now based on React.js and the back end has been re-built as a ASP.NET Core web API service. Sadly, in May 2024 Mozilla officially decommissioned the BrowserID protocol that allowed me to access Sync data directly. The only way now to update bookmark data in the app is via the backup and restore functionality from v2, which I kept in the project. All bookmark data is stored in browser storage to allow fast and easy navigation. The app also has an option to return to the last directory you were at in the bookmark hierarchy the next time you browse to the app.
It's possible to use OAuth for authenticating a Firefox account and getting to Sync data that way. But it would require coordination with and approval from Mozilla, and I'm not sure if I want to pursue that yet.
Mozilla did finally develop a version of Firefox for iOS. The initial versions were not good, the UX was clunky and painful to use. Later editions are vastly improved, but I'm going to stick to mobile Safari. It still wins out in usability (the way you access bookmarks in Firefox for iOS is not ideal), and its performance is quite good.