Image: Ubuntu 17.04 at Vultr
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ [email protected]
ssh [email protected] apt-get install python -y
- Edit inventory, edit it to your vps ip or domain name and edit group_vars/all.yml.
- Encrypt shadowsocks password and Dropbox token if need, see Tutorial for more information
- Deploy your vps with command
ansible-playbook -i inventory vps-deploy.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass.txt
at root path of this project. .vault_pass.txt is salt file you encrypt shadowsocks password and dropbox token.
- common
- Update packages
- Install oh my zsh
- Tune kernel
- swap
- make swap file for vps
- ssh
- config ssh server, only ssh-key can login
- shadowsocks
- Install and config shadowsocks
- Turn on bbr(feature at Ubuntu 17.04)
- docker
- Install docker
- data
- Sync data from Dropbox, include mongodb data(for flask), redis data(for celery), letsencrypt data(for https)