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Thomas Thomassen edited this page Jan 26, 2019 · 1 revision



  • Tools > QuadFace Tools
  • View > Toolbars > QuadFace Tools
  • Context Menu > QuadFace Tools* (Version 0.2.0)

* Enable Context Menu from Tools > QuadFace Tools > Preferences


Selection Tool

Because the native selection tool is not aware of non-planar quads, a custom selection tool is provided. It will let you select quad faces as you would with normal faces. It also let you select the edges of quads that are hidden without having to turn on Hidden Geometry.

Highlight Poles

Added in Version 0.7.0

You can toggle pole highlight overlay to see where your N and E poles are.

Context Menu > Poles > Highlight Poles

Grow / Shrink Selection

Extends of contracts the selection by the neighboring entities in the selection.

Select Rings

Select Rings. Use the Plus and Minus buttons to increment or decrement the selection in steps.

Select Loops

Select Loops. Use the Plus and Minus buttons to increment or decrement the selection in steps.

Select Region to Loop

Added in Version 0.2.0

Selected a bordering ring around the selected entities.

Select Loop to Region

Added in Version 0.7.0

Selects a region from a loop of edges. The region filled is the one where there is a marker edge.

Select Quads from Edges

Added in Version 0.4.0

Selects quads where the current selection include at least two of the quad's edges.

Select Bounding Edges

Added in Version 0.4.0

Selects the bounding edges of selected faces.

Deselect Triangulation

Added in Version 0.4.0

Deselects all edges that acts is the divider of triangulated quads.

Smooth / Unsmooth Quads

Added in Version 0.2.0

The native smoothing function in SketchUp will destroy triangulated quads. Use these functions to perform a smooth that preserves the integrity of the quads.

Connect Edges

Added in Version 0.3.0

Creates new edges between pairs of selected edges.

Ctrl+MouseMove Adds edges to selection

Shift+MouseMove Toggles edges to selection

Ctrl+Shift+MouseMove Removes edges to selection


  • Segments controls the number of segments inserted between each pair.
  • Pinch controls the spacing between the segments. ( -100 to 100 ) Negative values space the segments closer while positive values space them wider apart.

Click on an inputbox in the HUD (Heads Up Display) to control which parameter you can adjust by using the VCB.

Apply by using the HUD, context menu or press Return to commit the current preview.

Insert Loops

Added in Version 0.3.0

Insert loops based on the rings from the selected edges.

Remove Loops

Added in Version 0.3.0

Removes the loops which each selected edge is part of.

Build Corners

Added in Version 0.7.0

Builds a corner out of quads based on the selected edges. The selected edges must separate a pentagon and triangle.

Build Ends

Added in Version 0.7.0

Builds en ending out of quads based on selected edges. The selected edges must connect to the end of two parallel loops.

Flip Edge

Added in Version 0.3.0

Activates a tool for flipping the internal triangulation in Quads. This differs from Sandbox Tools in that it keeps Quads intact and also preserve the UV mapping.

Flip Diagonals

Added in Version 0.5.0

Flips the internal triangulation of the selected Quads.

Triangulate Selected QuadFaces

Ensures that all the selected quads are triangulated. Any native quads with soft bordering edges will result in edges that are not soft and instead hidden.

Remove Triangulation

Added in Version 0.2.0

Converts the selected planar quads into native quads with no triangulation.

Make Planar

Added in Version 0.2.0

Projects all the selected faces to a best fit plane based on the selected faces. Ensures connected quads are not broken.

Convert Connected Mesh to QuadFaces

Added in Version 0.2.0

Attempts to automatically convert the mesh into a set of quads. Select a native quad or two triangles making up a quad as the origin. This operation may be slow!

Convert Wireframe to Quads

Added in Version 0.7.0

From a wireframe network where the edges form quadratic nodes a mesh of quads are generated.

The edges between each junction can consist of multiple edges. After activating the tool one can specify the angle tolerance for when a set of edges are treated as one segment.

Convert Blender Quads to QuadFace Quads

Added in Version 0.2.0

Blender quads imported into SketchUp needs to be converted in order to be workable with QuadFace Tools.

Convert Sandbox Quads to QuadFace Quads

Added in Version 0.4.0

In version 0.4.0 the definition of a QuadFace changed. In order to use meshes from older QuadFace versions, as well as meshes generated by Sandbox Tools, you have to convert the mesh via this utility first.

UV Mapping Tool

Added in Version 0.4.0

UV Copy & Paste

Added in Version 0.4.0

UV Unwrap

Added in Version 0.4.0