3f7c833 build: Bump @types/node from 18.11.9 to 18.11.11 in /web (#1102 )
d4f0207 build: Bump prettier from 2.5.1 to 2.8.0 in /web (#1088 )
a467f23 build: Bump sass from 1.54.8 to 1.56.1 in /web (#1060 )
f69bab3 chore(configs/prow-dev): add trusted bots (#1112 )
3c7bf2d chore(deps): update ticommunityinfra/tichi-* docker tag to v2.4.0 (#1106 )
9f0671c chore(prow-dev): change log level (#1110 )
8c823db ci(prow): add changing triggers (#1108 )
f5759ed ci(test-dev): uncheck require pr branch to be up to date (#1116 )
916413c ci: aggerate bump images for tichi plugins in a group (#1103 )
c4bd30f ci: aggerate bump images for tichi plugins in a group (#1105 )
cfed466 ci: enable auto PR creating to bump image in k8s resource files (#1101 )
319c76b feat(configs/prow-dev): add jenkins-operator component (#1114 )
bf6ce9e fix(configs/prow-dev): fix jenkins job logs (#1115 )
4c3cd09 fix(deps): update digest to 8949d0a (#1098 )
9f5dfca fix(deps): update module to v0.3.0 (#1099 )
88cdac7 fix(ticommunitycherrypicker): fix github token getting (#1111 )
a3beacc test(prow-dev): enable ti-community-blunderbuss on test-dev repo (#1113 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.