A polyfill built upon atob/btoa (browser) so as to support base64 to/from binary (Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer) conversion
It seems that the built-in atob and btoa functions don't support encoding binary (Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer) to base64 string and decoding base64 string to binary directly. However, with the help of this polyfill which adds a thin layer to make extra conversion between String and Uint8Array, we can make it by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Add reference in your HTML file
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/base64-lite.js"></script>
Now you can make base64 codec for binary data
const bin = base64.decode("hzw4NdSJ0NzaEKo9hSKiH+X5ViFAh+hmYDuorCqDjEk=");
Browser with ES5 support
Written in 2019 by tibetty [email protected]