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Merge pull request #1111 from tidalcycles/patterned-tactus
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Patterned tactus WIP
yaxu authored Jan 30, 2025


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
cakemanny Daniel Golding
2 parents 7317563 + 6161c2d commit 9dacdbc
Showing 11 changed files with 356 additions and 134 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
tests: True
packages: ./ tidal-parse tidal-listener tidal-link
21 changes: 16 additions & 5 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Control.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,14 +26,25 @@ module Sound.Tidal.Control where

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Sound.Tidal.Core
( cF,
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Params as P
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types (patternTimeID)
import Sound.Tidal.UI
import Sound.Tidal.Utils
import Sound.Tidal.UI (bite, _irand)
import Prelude hiding ((*>), (<*))

-- | `spin` will "spin" and layer up a pattern the given number of times,
@@ -95,7 +106,7 @@ chopArc :: Arc -> Int -> [Arc]
chopArc (Arc s e) n = map (\i -> Arc (s + (e - s) * (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n)) (s + (e - s) * (fromIntegral (i + 1) / fromIntegral n))) [0 .. n - 1]

_chop :: Int -> ControlPattern -> ControlPattern
_chop n pat = squeezeJoin $ f <$> pat
_chop n pat = keepTactus (withTactus (* toRational n) pat) $ squeezeJoin $ f <$> pat
f v = fastcat $ map (pure . rangemap v) slices
rangemap v (b, e) = Map.union (fromMaybe (makeMap (b, e)) $ merge v (b, e)) v
36 changes: 32 additions & 4 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Core where

import Data.Fixed (mod')
import Data.List (sortOn)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Prelude hiding ((*>), (<*))

@@ -379,7 +380,9 @@ fastCat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
fastCat (p : []) = p
fastCat ps = setTactus t $ _fast (toTime $ length ps) $ cat ps
t = fromMaybe (toRational $ length ps) $ ((* (toRational $ length ps)) . foldl1 lcmr) <$> (sequence $ map tactus ps)
t = fastCat <$> (sequence $ map tactus ps)

-- where t = fromMaybe (toRational $ length ps) $ ((* (toRational $ length ps)) . foldl1 lcmr) <$> (sequence $ map tactus ps)

-- | Alias for @fastCat@
fastcat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
@@ -400,7 +403,7 @@ fastcat = fastCat
-- > ]
timeCat :: [(Time, Pattern a)] -> Pattern a
timeCat ((_, p) : []) = p
timeCat tps = setTactus total $ stack $ map (\(s, e, p) -> compressArc (Arc (s / total) (e / total)) p) $ arrange 0 $ filter (\(t, _) -> t > 0) $ tps
timeCat tps = setTactus (Just $ pure total) $ stack $ map (\(s, e, p) -> compressArc (Arc (s / total) (e / total)) p) $ arrange 0 $ filter (\(t, _) -> t > 0) $ tps
total = sum $ map fst tps
arrange :: Time -> [(Time, Pattern a)] -> [(Time, Time, Pattern a)]
@@ -427,6 +430,25 @@ timecat = timeCat
overlay :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
overlay = (<>)

-- | Serialises a pattern so there's only one event playing at any one
-- time, making it /monophonic/. Events which start/end earlier are given priority.
mono :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
mono p = pattern $ \(State a cm) -> flatten $ query p (State a cm)
flatten :: [Event a] -> [Event a]
flatten = mapMaybe constrainPart . truncateOverlaps . sortOn whole
truncateOverlaps [] = []
truncateOverlaps (e : es) = e : truncateOverlaps (mapMaybe (snip e) es)
-- TODO - decide what to do about analog events..
snip a b
| start (wholeOrPart b) >= stop (wholeOrPart a) = Just b
| stop (wholeOrPart b) <= stop (wholeOrPart a) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just b {whole = Just $ Arc (stop $ wholeOrPart a) (stop $ wholeOrPart b)}
constrainPart :: Event a -> Maybe (Event a)
constrainPart e = do
a <- subArc (wholeOrPart e) (part e)
return $ e {part = a}

-- | 'stack' combines a list of 'Pattern's into a new pattern, so that their
-- events are combined over time, i.e., all of the patterns in the list are played
-- simultaneously.
@@ -450,7 +472,10 @@ stack pats = (foldr overlay silence pats) {tactus = t}
| length pats == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = foldl1 lcmr <$> (sequence $ map tactus pats)
-- TODO - something cleverer..
| otherwise = (mono . stack) <$> (sequence $ map tactus pats)

-- | otherwise = foldl1 lcmr <$> (sequence $ map tactus pats)

-- ** Manipulating time

@@ -506,6 +531,9 @@ sparsity = slow
zoom :: (Time, Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
zoom (s, e) = zoomArc (Arc s e)

zoompat :: Pattern Time -> Pattern Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
zoompat = patternify2 $ curry zoom

zoomArc :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
zoomArc (Arc s e) p
| s >= e = nothing
54 changes: 29 additions & 25 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -56,30 +56,30 @@ data State = State

-- | A datatype representing events taking place over time
data Pattern a = Pattern {query :: State -> [Event a], tactus :: Maybe Rational, pureValue :: Maybe a}
data Pattern a = Pattern {query :: State -> [Event a], tactus :: Maybe (Pattern Rational), pureValue :: Maybe a}
deriving (Generic, Functor)

instance (NFData a) => NFData (Pattern a)

pattern :: (State -> [Event a]) -> Pattern a
pattern f = Pattern f Nothing Nothing

setTactus :: Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
setTactus r p = p {tactus = Just r}
setTactus :: Maybe (Pattern Rational) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
setTactus r p = p {tactus = r}

setTactusFrom :: Pattern b -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
setTactusFrom a b = b {tactus = tactus a}

withTactus :: (Rational -> Rational) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withTactus f p = p {tactus = f <$> tactus p}
withTactus f p = p {tactus = fmap (fmap f) $ tactus p}

_steps :: Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_steps target p@(Pattern _ (Just t) _) = setTactus target $ _fast (target / t) p
steps :: Pattern Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
steps target p@(Pattern _ (Just t) _) = setTactus (Just target) $ fast (target / t) p
-- raise error?
_steps _ p = p
steps _ p = p

steps :: Pattern Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
steps = patternify _steps
-- _steps :: Pattern Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
-- _steps = patternify _steps

keepMeta :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
keepMeta from to = to {tactus = tactus from, pureValue = pureValue from}
@@ -131,8 +131,7 @@ instance Applicative Pattern where
-- > (⅓>½)-⅔|11
-- > ⅓-(½>⅔)|12
-- > (⅔>1)|102
(<*>) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
(<*>) a b = (applyPatToPatBoth a b) {tactus = lcmr <$> tactus a <*> tactus b}
(<*>) a b = (applyPatToPatBoth a b) {tactus = (\a' b' -> lcmr <$> a' <*> b') <$> tactus a <*> tactus b}

-- | Like @<*>@, but the "wholes" come from the left
(<*) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ infixl 4 <*, *>, <<*
applyPatToPat :: (Maybe Arc -> Maybe Arc -> Maybe (Maybe Arc)) -> Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPat combineWholes pf px = pattern q
q st = concatMap (catMaybes . match) (query pf st)
q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
match ef@(Event (Context c) _ fPart f) =
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ applyPatToPat combineWholes pf px = pattern q
applyPatToPatBoth :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatBoth pf px = pattern q
q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match (query pf st) ++ concatMap matchX (query (filterAnalog px) st)
q st = catMaybes $ (concatMap match $ query pf st) ++ (concatMap matchX $ query (filterAnalog px) st)
-- match analog events from pf with all events from px
match ef@(Event _ Nothing fPart _) = map (withFX ef) (query px $ st {arc = fPart}) -- analog
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ applyPatToPatBoth pf px = pattern q
applyPatToPatLeft :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatLeft pf px = pattern q
q st = concatMap (catMaybes . match) (query pf st)
q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
match ef = map (withFX ef) (query px $ st {arc = wholeOrPart ef})
withFX ef ex = do
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ applyPatToPatLeft pf px = pattern q
applyPatToPatRight :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatRight pf px = pattern q
q st = concatMap (catMaybes . match) (query px st)
q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query px st
match ex = map (`withFX` ex) (query pf $ st {arc = wholeOrPart ex})
withFX ef ex = do
@@ -246,18 +245,22 @@ unwrap pp = pp {query = q, pureValue = Nothing}
-- | Turns a pattern of patterns into a single pattern. Like @unwrap@,
-- but structure only comes from the inner pattern.
innerJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
innerJoin pp = pp {query = q, pureValue = Nothing}
innerJoin pp = setTactus (Just $ innerJoin' $ filterJust $ tactus <$> pp) $ innerJoin' pp
q st =
(\(Event oc _ op v) -> mapMaybe (munge oc) $ query v st {arc = op})
(query pp st)
-- \| innerJoin but without tactus manipulation (to avoid recursion)
innerJoin' :: Pattern (Pattern b) -> Pattern b
innerJoin' pp = pp {query = q, pureValue = Nothing}

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal latest - ghc latest

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 8.6.5

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 8.8.4

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 9.0.2

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 8.10.7

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 9.4.8

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 9.8.2

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding

Check warning on line 252 in src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs

GitHub Actions / cabal - ghc 9.4.8

This binding for ‘pp’ shadows the existing binding
munge oc (Event ic iw ip v) =
p <- subArc (arc st) ip
p' <- subArc p (arc st)
return (Event (combineContexts [ic, oc]) iw p' v)
q st =
(\(Event oc _ op v) -> mapMaybe (munge oc) $ query v st {arc = op})
(query pp st)
munge oc (Event ic iw ip v) =
p <- subArc (arc st) ip
p' <- subArc p (arc st)
return (Event (combineContexts [ic, oc]) iw p' v)

-- | Turns a pattern of patterns into a single pattern. Like @unwrap@,
-- but structure only comes from the outer pattern.
@@ -279,6 +282,7 @@ outerJoin pp = pp {query = q, pureValue = Nothing}
-- | Like @unwrap@, but cycles of the inner patterns are compressed to fit the
-- timespan of the outer whole (or the original query if it's a continuous pattern?)
-- TODO - what if a continuous pattern contains a discrete one, or vice-versa?
-- TODO - tactus
squeezeJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
squeezeJoin pp = pp {query = q, pureValue = Nothing}

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