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attempt at specifying bus ids as extra control parameters, ref #762
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yaxu committed Jan 21, 2021
1 parent a67fb59 commit c09e7bb
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Showing 6 changed files with 154 additions and 162 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Control.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ _chop n = withEvents (concatMap chopEvent)
-- begin and end values by the old difference (end-begin), and
-- add the old begin
chomp :: Context -> ControlMap -> Int -> (Int, (Arc, Arc)) -> Event ControlMap
chomp c v n' (i, (w,p')) = Event c (Just w) p' (Map.insert "begin" (VF b' Nothing) $ Map.insert "end" (VF e' Nothing) v)
chomp c v n' (i, (w,p')) = Event c (Just w) p' (Map.insert "begin" (VF b') $ Map.insert "end" (VF e') v)
where b = fromMaybe 0 $ do v' <- Map.lookup "begin" v
getF v'
e = fromMaybe 1 $ do v' <- Map.lookup "end" v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ _striate n p = fastcat $ map offset [0 .. n-1]
where offset i = mergePlayRange (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n, fromIntegral (i+1) / fromIntegral n) <$> p

mergePlayRange :: (Double, Double) -> ControlMap -> ControlMap
mergePlayRange (b,e) cm = Map.insert "begin" (VF ((b*d')+b') Nothing) $ Map.insert "end" (VF ((e*d')+b') Nothing) cm
mergePlayRange (b,e) cm = Map.insert "begin" (VF ((b*d')+b')) $ Map.insert "end" (VF ((e*d')+b')) cm
where b' = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup "begin" cm >>= getF
e' = fromMaybe 1 $ Map.lookup "end" cm >>= getF
d' = e' - b'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ randslice = tParam $ \n p -> innerJoin $ (\i -> _slice n i p) <$> _irand n

_splice :: Int -> Pattern Int -> ControlPattern -> Pattern (Map.Map String Value)
_splice bits ipat pat = withEvent f (slice (pure bits) ipat pat) # P.unit (pure "c")
where f ev = ev {value = Map.insert "speed" (VF d Nothing) (value ev)}
where f ev = ev {value = Map.insert "speed" (VF d) (value ev)}
where d = sz / (fromRational $ (wholeStop ev) - (wholeStart ev))
sz = 1/(fromIntegral bits)

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Params.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ grp fs p = splitby <$> p

mF :: String -> String -> ControlMap
mF name v = fromMaybe Map.empty $ do f <- readMaybe v
return $ Map.singleton name (VF f Nothing)
return $ Map.singleton name (VF f)

mI :: String -> String -> ControlMap
mI name v = fromMaybe Map.empty $ do i <- readMaybe v
return $ Map.singleton name (VI i Nothing)
return $ Map.singleton name (VI i)

mS :: String -> String -> ControlMap
mS name v = Map.singleton name (VS v Nothing)
mS name v = Map.singleton name (VS v)

-- | Grouped params

Expand All @@ -61,26 +61,26 @@ nrpn = grp [mI "nrpn", mI "val"]
-- | Singular params

pF :: String -> Pattern Double -> ControlPattern
pF name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VF) Nothing)
pF name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VF)

pI :: String -> Pattern Int -> ControlPattern
pI name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VI) Nothing)
pI name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VI)

pB :: String -> Pattern Bool -> ControlPattern
pB name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VB) Nothing)
pB name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VB)

pR :: String -> Pattern Rational -> ControlPattern
pR name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VR) Nothing)
pR name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VR)

-- | params for note
pN :: String -> Pattern Note -> ControlPattern
pN name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VN) Nothing)
pN name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VN)

pS :: String -> Pattern String -> ControlPattern
pS name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VS) Nothing)
pS name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VS)

pX :: String -> Pattern [Word8] -> ControlPattern
pX name = fmap (Map.singleton name . (flip VX) Nothing)
pX name = fmap (Map.singleton name . VX)

-- | patterns for internal sound routing
toArg :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
Expand Down
167 changes: 81 additions & 86 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Pattern.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes, mapMaybe)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Sound.Tidal.Utils (matchMaybe)
-- * Types

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,13 +275,13 @@ type Query a = (State -> [Event a])
data Pattern a = Pattern {query :: Query a}
deriving Generic

data Value = VS { svalue :: String, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VF { fvalue :: Double, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VN { nvalue :: Note, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VR { rvalue :: Rational, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VI { ivalue :: Int, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VB { bvalue :: Bool, vbus :: Maybe Int }
| VX { xvalue :: [Word8], vbus :: Maybe Int } -- Used for OSC 'blobs'
data Value = VS { svalue :: String }
| VF { fvalue :: Double }
| VN { nvalue :: Note }
| VR { rvalue :: Rational }
| VI { ivalue :: Int }
| VB { bvalue :: Bool }
| VX { xvalue :: [Word8] } -- Used for OSC 'blobs'
deriving (Typeable, Data, Generic)

class Valuable a where
Expand All @@ -291,70 +290,70 @@ class Valuable a where
instance NFData Value

instance Valuable String where
toValue a = VS a Nothing
toValue a = VS a
instance Valuable Double where
toValue a = VF a Nothing
toValue a = VF a
instance Valuable Rational where
toValue a = VR a Nothing
toValue a = VR a
instance Valuable Int where
toValue a = VI a Nothing
toValue a = VI a
instance Valuable Bool where
toValue a = VB a Nothing
toValue a = VB a
instance Valuable [Word8] where
toValue a = VX a Nothing
toValue a = VX a

instance Eq Value where
(VS x _) == (VS y _) = x == y
(VB x _) == (VB y _) = x == y
(VF x _) == (VF y _) = x == y
(VI x _) == (VI y _) = x == y
(VN x _) == (VN y _) = x == y
(VR x _) == (VR y _) = x == y
(VX x _) == (VX y _) = x == y
(VS x) == (VS y) = x == y
(VB x) == (VB y) = x == y
(VF x) == (VF y) = x == y
(VI x) == (VI y) = x == y
(VN x) == (VN y) = x == y
(VR x) == (VR y) = x == y
(VX x) == (VX y) = x == y

(VF x _) == (VI y _) = x == fromIntegral y
(VI y _) == (VF x _) = x == fromIntegral y
(VF x) == (VI y) = x == fromIntegral y
(VI y) == (VF x) = x == fromIntegral y

(VF x _) == (VR y _) = toRational x == y
(VR y _) == (VF x _) = toRational x == y
(VI x _) == (VR y _) = toRational x == y
(VR y _) == (VI x _) = toRational x == y
(VF x) == (VR y) = toRational x == y
(VR y) == (VF x) = toRational x == y
(VI x) == (VR y) = toRational x == y
(VR y) == (VI x) = toRational x == y

_ == _ = False

instance Ord Value where
compare (VS x _) (VS y _) = compare x y
compare (VB x _) (VB y _) = compare x y
compare (VF x _) (VF y _) = compare x y
compare (VN x _) (VN y _) = compare (unNote x) (unNote y)
compare (VI x _) (VI y _) = compare x y
compare (VR x _) (VR y _) = compare x y
compare (VX x _) (VX y _) = compare x y
compare (VS x) (VS y) = compare x y
compare (VB x) (VB y) = compare x y
compare (VF x) (VF y) = compare x y
compare (VN x) (VN y) = compare (unNote x) (unNote y)
compare (VI x) (VI y) = compare x y
compare (VR x) (VR y) = compare x y
compare (VX x) (VX y) = compare x y

compare (VS _ _) _ = LT
compare _ (VS _ _) = GT
compare (VB _ _) _ = LT
compare _ (VB _ _) = GT
compare (VX _ _) _ = LT
compare _ (VX _ _) = GT
compare (VS _) _ = LT
compare _ (VS _) = GT
compare (VB _) _ = LT
compare _ (VB _) = GT
compare (VX _) _ = LT
compare _ (VX _) = GT

compare (VF x _) (VI y _) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x _) (VF y _) = compare (fromIntegral x) y
compare (VF x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x) (VF y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y

compare (VR x _) (VI y _) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x _) (VR y _) = compare (fromIntegral x) y
compare (VR x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x) (VR y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y

compare (VF x _) (VR y _) = compare x (fromRational y)
compare (VR x _) (VF y _) = compare (fromRational x) y
compare (VF x) (VR y) = compare x (fromRational y)
compare (VR x) (VF y) = compare (fromRational x) y

compare (VN x _) (VI y _) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x _) (VN y _) = compare (fromIntegral x) y
compare (VN x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x) (VN y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y

compare (VN x _) (VR y _) = compare (unNote x) (fromRational y)
compare (VR x _) (VN y _) = compare (fromRational x) (unNote y)
compare (VN x) (VR y) = compare (unNote x) (fromRational y)
compare (VR x) (VN y) = compare (fromRational x) (unNote y)

compare (VF x _) (VN y _) = compare x (unNote y)
compare (VN x _) (VF y _) = compare (unNote x) y
compare (VF x) (VN y) = compare x (unNote y)
compare (VN x) (VF y) = compare (unNote x) y

type StateMap = Map.Map String (Pattern Value)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,10 +509,10 @@ class TolerantEq a where
(~==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance TolerantEq Value where
(VS a _) ~== (VS b _) = a == b
(VI a _) ~== (VI b _) = a == b
(VR a _) ~== (VR b _) = a == b
(VF a _) ~== (VF b _) = abs (a - b) < 0.000001
(VS a) ~== (VS b) = a == b
(VI a) ~== (VI b) = a == b
(VR a) ~== (VR b) = a == b
(VF a) ~== (VF b) = abs (a - b) < 0.000001
_ ~== _ = False

instance TolerantEq ControlMap where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,13 +611,13 @@ instance Num ControlMap where
negate = (applyFIS negate negate id <$>)
(+) = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (+) (+))
(*) = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (*) (*))
fromInteger i = Map.singleton "n" $ VI (fromInteger i) Nothing
fromInteger i = Map.singleton "n" $ VI (fromInteger i)
signum = (applyFIS signum signum id <$>)
abs = (applyFIS abs abs id <$>)

instance Fractional ControlMap where
recip = fmap (applyFIS recip id id)
fromRational r = Map.singleton "speed" $ VF (fromRational r) Nothing
fromRational r = Map.singleton "speed" $ VF (fromRational r)

-- * Internal functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,52 +675,52 @@ withPart f = withEvent (\(Event c w p v) -> Event c w (f p) v)

-- | Apply one of three functions to a Value, depending on its type
applyFIS :: (Double -> Double) -> (Int -> Int) -> (String -> String) -> Value -> Value
applyFIS f _ _ (VF f' b) = VF (f f') b
applyFIS f _ _ (VN (Note f') b) = VN (Note $ f f') b
applyFIS _ f _ (VI i b) = VI (f i) b
applyFIS _ _ f (VS s b) = VS (f s) b
applyFIS f _ _ (VF f') = VF (f f')
applyFIS f _ _ (VN (Note f')) = VN (Note $ f f')
applyFIS _ f _ (VI i) = VI (f i)
applyFIS _ _ f (VS s) = VS (f s)
applyFIS _ _ _ v = v

-- | Apply one of two functions to a pair of Values, depending on their types (int
-- or float; strings and rationals are ignored)
fNum2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Value -> Value -> Value
fNum2 fInt _ (VI a abus) (VI b bbus) = VI (fInt a b) (matchMaybe abus bbus)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a abus) (VF b bbus) = VF (fFloat a b) (matchMaybe abus bbus)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VN (Note a) abus) (VN (Note b) bbus) = VN (Note $ fFloat a b) (matchMaybe abus bbus)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VI a abus) (VF b bbus) = VF (fFloat (fromIntegral a) b) (matchMaybe abus bbus)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a abus) (VI b bbus) = VF (fFloat a (fromIntegral b)) (matchMaybe abus bbus)
fNum2 fInt _ (VI a) (VI b) = VI (fInt a b)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a) (VF b) = VF (fFloat a b)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VN (Note a)) (VN (Note b)) = VN (Note $ fFloat a b)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VI a) (VF b) = VF (fFloat (fromIntegral a) b)
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a) (VI b) = VF (fFloat a (fromIntegral b))
fNum2 _ _ x _ = x

getI :: Value -> Maybe Int
getI (VI i _) = Just i
getI (VR x _) = Just $ floor x
getI (VF x _) = Just $ floor x
getI (VI i) = Just i
getI (VR x) = Just $ floor x
getI (VF x) = Just $ floor x
getI _ = Nothing

getF :: Value -> Maybe Double
getF (VF f _) = Just f
getF (VR x _) = Just $ fromRational x
getF (VI x _) = Just $ fromIntegral x
getF (VF f) = Just f
getF (VR x) = Just $ fromRational x
getF (VI x) = Just $ fromIntegral x
getF _ = Nothing

getN :: Value -> Maybe Note
getN (VF f _) = Just $ Note f
getN (VR x _) = Just $ Note $ fromRational x
getN (VI x _) = Just $ Note $ fromIntegral x
getN (VF f) = Just $ Note f
getN (VR x) = Just $ Note $ fromRational x
getN (VI x) = Just $ Note $ fromIntegral x
getN _ = Nothing

getS :: Value -> Maybe String
getS (VS s _) = Just s
getS (VS s) = Just s
getS _ = Nothing

getB :: Value -> Maybe Bool
getB (VB b _) = Just b
getB (VB b) = Just b
getB _ = Nothing

getR :: Value -> Maybe Rational
getR (VR r _) = Just r
getR (VF x _) = Just $ toRational x
getR (VI x _) = Just $ toRational x
getR (VR r) = Just r
getR (VF x) = Just $ toRational x
getR (VI x) = Just $ toRational x
getR _ = Nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,7 +748,7 @@ extractR :: String -> ControlPattern -> Pattern Rational
extractR = _extract getR

getBlob :: Value -> Maybe [Word8]
getBlob (VX xs _) = Just xs
getBlob (VX xs) = Just xs
getBlob _ = Nothing

compressArc :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,7 +836,3 @@ matchManyToOne f pa pb = pa {query = q}
where as' = as $ start $ wholeOrPart ex
as s = query pa $ fQuery s
fQuery s = st {arc = Arc s s}

-- Set the bus for values within a control pattern
dial :: Int -> ControlPattern -> ControlPattern
dial i = fmap (fmap (\v -> v {vbus = Just i}))
18 changes: 7 additions & 11 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Show.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,17 +64,13 @@ instance Show Context where
show (Context cs) = show cs

instance Show Value where
show (VS s bus) = showbus bus $ ('"':s) ++ "\""
show (VI i bus) = showbus bus $ show i
show (VF f bus) = showbus bus $ show f ++ "f"
show (VN n bus) = showbus bus $ show n ++ "n"
show (VR r bus) = showbus bus $ show r ++ "r"
show (VB b bus) = showbus bus $ show b
show (VX xs bus) = showbus bus $ show xs

showbus :: Maybe Int -> String -> String
showbus Nothing s = s
showbus (Just i) s = s ++ "(" ++ show i ++ ")"
show (VS s) = ('"':s) ++ "\""
show (VI i) = show i
show (VF f) = show f ++ "f"
show (VN n) = show n ++ "n"
show (VR r) = show r ++ "r"
show (VB b) = show b
show (VX xs) = show xs

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show ControlMap where
show m = intercalate ", " $ map (\(name, v) -> name ++ ": " ++ show v) $ Map.toList m
Expand Down

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