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Tidal Guides

A set of guides on how to use the Tidal API and Tidal Tools.


To run the site locally you will need:

  • Ruby installed.
  • gem install bundler or sudo dnf install rubygem-bundler (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora) or sudo apt install bundler (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • Set the $GEM_HOME environment variable.
    • Check if it is set with env | grep GEM_HOME
    • If it is not set, set it with export GEM_HOME=$(ruby -r rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')

To install the needed dependencies:

bundle install

To run jekyll and start hacking run:

jekyll server

You should see the rendered site on http://localhost:4000

PDF generation

You need to have pandoc and LaTeX (lualatex) installed. We suggest using TinyTex because it is lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain.

The following LaTeX packages need to be installed:

  • environ
  • everypage
  • fancyhdr
  • luatexbase
  • noto
  • pgf
  • selnolig
  • sourcecodepro
  • tcolorbox

The above packages could be easily installed on Debian Stable by running ./book/ script.

Build PDF files with the following command:

make -j8 book