This guide assumes you are running Linux. If not, then you can use the Windows subsystem for Linux if you have Windows 10. Another option is Git Bash
- Intall git for Windows:
- Install VS Code:
- Install Python 3: (Note, to access Python3, you may need to provide a full path such as
- Install Git:
sudo apt install git
- Pick/create a location for the project, e.g:
- Install Postgresql:
- Create a Github account.
- Go to
- Click the "Fork" button on the top right corner.
- This will allow you to have your own copy of the project on your GitHub account.
- In your terminal, move to the parent directory of the project:
cd ~/Developer
- Go to your forked repository on github.
- Click "Clone or download" and copy the url.
- In the terminal:
git clone yoururlhere
- This will download the project into ~/Developer/flex-site/
- If on Windows, open a GitBash prompt within VS Code.
- Move in to the directory of the project if you aren't already there:
cd ~/Developer/flex-site
- Create a virtual environment within your project:
python -m venv flex-venv --prompt flex
- Activate your virtual environment: Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Windows:source venv/Scripts/activate
- You should now see "(flex)" appear before your prompt.
- Later (don't do it now), when you are finished you can leave the environment by typing:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- A basic database to get started. You can move to a more advanced PostgreSQL database later if you like, or try now (see next section)
./src/ migrate
This will create your database and create tables for all the thrid-party apps/requirements - Now prepare tables for all of the flex-site models:
./src/ makemigrations profiles events excuses utilities
(you might get an error later on if I forget to keep this list of apps updated =) - Create the tables in your database:
./src/ migrate
- Create a cache table:
./src/ createcachetable
- Populate the database with some default data:
./src/ loaddata src/initial_data
- Create a superuser in the database (i.e.teacher/administrator account):
./src/ createsuperuser
- You can follow these instructions if you are on Linux (won't work on Windows). Use the Python3 options.
./src/ runserver
- Segmentation Fault? try running it again...
- In your browser go to to see if it worked!
- Log in as the superuser to see what a teacher/admin sees
- Sign up to create a student account.
- Stop running server (or any bash script in progress) with
Ctrl + C
- Install some version of PyCharmIDE
- File > Open, then choose the ~/Developer/flex-site directory
- Run > Edit Configurations
- it "+" and choose Django Server
- Defaults should be good, but "Run Browser" option is handy, tick it if you want to auto open a browser when you run the server.
- Turn on Django support. Click "Fix" button at bottom
- Tick "Enable Django Support
- Set Django project root to: ~/Developer/flex-site/src
- Set Settings to:
(this is relative to the root above) - OK, Apply, Close.
- Hit the green play button to test. Try logging in with the superuser account you created earlier.
- Move into your cloned directory.
cd ~/Developer/flex-site
- Add the upstream remote:
git remote add upstream [email protected]:timberline-secondary/flex-site.git
- Pull in changes from the upstream master:
git fetch upstream
- Merge the changes:
git merge upstream/master
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b yourbranchname
- Make your changes and them commit:
git commit -am "yourchangeshere"
- Push your branch to your fork of the project:
git push origin yourbranchname
- Go to your fork of the repository.
- Select your recently pushed branch and create a pull request.
- Complete pull request.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
- (perl locales error?
adduser username --force-badname --ingroup sudo
- add public key authentication
- set up basic firewall (ufw) and allow OpenSSH, turn on rate limiting
ufw limit ssh/tcp
, install fail2ban - disable password authentication and root login
- time: set timezone
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
and install ntp.
- Install stack: this for postgresql, and this for the rest of the stack.
- Remove Apache2 from port 80 (if using)
- ...permissions of socket...
- Add SSL,
- redirect to https in mysite_nginx.conf, server 80 block (
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
), - Add forward secuirty
- Automatic security updates
- Django DEBUG = False