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System Safety Checks and Limits

timomer edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

The Saftey Object

The Saftey Object is responsible for managing checks and limits. With any limit, the most restrictive wins.

User set Limits

Per user limits that can be set in Settings.


  • User set max bolus


  • User set Max value a Temp Basal can be set to.


  • maximum amount of non-bolus IOB OpenAPS will ever deliver

Hardcoded Limits

Limits set in Code that cannot be changed.

Max Basal

  • 3 * max_daily_basal - No more than 3x the highest rate set in the users 24-Hour Basal Profile OR
  • 4 * current_basal - No more than 4x the current Default Basal


  • Bolus limited to a max of 15u


  • Any Bolus older than 5mins will not be sent to Insulin Integration App

Misc Limits


The UserPrefs file holds hard coded per user limits that can only be changed by manually compiling the app yourself.

  • BOLUS_ALLOWED - If True, HAPP will allow sending Bolus requests to Insulin Integration App. Default: False
  • APS_TEST_BUTTON - If True, Shows the Test button on APS Dash, used for debugging