Frontend assets for the Tax Platform
- Using service-manager
- Requirements
- Running Locally
- Running JS Tests
- Running tests whilst developing
- Running a Production build
- Component Library
- Contributing
- More info
- License
Unless you're making changes to the frontend assets, you'll most likely be using service-manager to serve assets to your frontends. The ASSETS_FRONTEND service is responsible for serving released artifacts and can be started with:
$ sm --start ASSETS_FRONTEND
To install multiple versions of Node.js, you may find it easier to use a node version manager:
nodemon (optional)
is used to develop the Component Library
It is recommended to install nodemon globally.
$ npm install -g nodemon
The command below will kick off a local node.js server on a predefined port (9032
). This serves the assets with sourcemaps via the gulp task runner.
$ ./ dev
The Karma test runner is used to run our JS tests with the command:
$ ./ test
Or to run the tests with a watch task for continuous development, you can run them with:
$ ./ test-dev
Compiles the assets for production.
$ ./ build
It is available at
If you're running assets-frontend locally using ./server dev
or npm start
, then you can view the Component Library by opening a browser at http://localhost:9032/component-library/
The Component Library will be compiled when you run the following command, this command also adds a watch task so any changes you make within assets will automatically re-build the component library.
$ ./ dev
A static build of the Component Library can be generated as a single process by running
$ npm run comp-lib
Bare in mind that in order to see the output in a browser you'll have to serve the files manually from the component-library
directory with something like http-server (for node.js) or SimpleHTTPServer (for python)
If you're working on the templates for the Component Library, there is a helpful watch task using nodemon. This makes development easier and faster.
$ npm install -g nodemon
$ npm run comp-lib:watch -- -w ./path/to/hmrc/component-library-template
You need to give it the path to a local checkout of hmrc-component-library-template, relative to the assets-frontend's package.json
The watch task then automatically links this local copy hmrc/component-library-template and then builds the Component Library using the npm script above.
The steps for the whole process are as follows:
- Remove the npm installed dependancy
- Clone the hmrc/component-library-template
- Symlink the local template for npm
- Run the watch task in assets-frontend
Assuming you're in the root of your local assets-frontend it would look like this:
$ rm -rf node_modules/hmrc-component-library-template
$ cd .. && git clone
$ cd component-library-template && npm link
$ cd ../assets-frontend
$ npm run comp-lib:watch -- -w ../component-library-template
If you wish to update the component library in assets frontend because there have been changes in the component library.
$ rm -rf node_modules/hmrc-component-library-template
$ npm install hmrc/component-library-template
$ npm install --force hmrc/component-library-template
Please take a few minutes to review the process and guidelines before you submit your request, otherwise it may be rejected.
Check out the wiki
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.