The arsenal is an assortment of python utilities that I can't live without.
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
- Install the package and development dependencies:
git clone
cd arsenal
pip install -e .
Alternatively, use pip to install from GitHub:
pip install git+
The Makefile provides several useful commands:
make cython # Build Cython extensions
make doc # Generate documentation using Sphinx
make test # Run all tests
make coverage # Generate test coverage report
make clean # Clean build artifacts and documentation
- Install build tools:
pip install build twine
- Clean old distributions:
rm -rf dist/ build/ *.egg-info
- Create distribution packages:
make cython
python -m build
- Check the distributions:
twine check dist/*
- Upload to Test PyPI first:
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
- If everything looks good, upload to PyPI:
twine upload dist/*
Note: You'll need a PyPI account and API token. Store your credentials in ~/.pypirc
or enter them when prompted.
To run the test suite:
python -m unittest discover arsenal/tests
You can also run specific test files:
python -m unittest arsenal/tests/