Hi! My name is Tito and one of the things that I love in code is how it brings people together. And this time, I will use code to celebrate my own union with the most amazing girl in the world ❤️. Her name is Isabelle, and we're getting married next 8th January! 💍
I wrote this code as a remembrance for our future, and maybe our sons (if they like coding 👶 💻). I tried to make it reusable for, maybe, someone use it in the future for their own wedding💗. It is a backend for a Wedding Site (or other system, if one of them is some IT person with love for crazy integrations or console applications).
The project is built with C#, ASP.NET and EF Core. There is authorization with JWT tokens for administration operations. The code (tries) to experiment with DDD principles such as isolated domain code and ubiquous language, with aim at making it suitable for future changes.
I've been working on 2 projects now. This is the backend, and the other project, called isabelle-tito-wedding, is the frontend. Both those projects are parts of my wedding 💍.
I hope you enjoy this code and maybe also get married soon (if you want to hahaha) 💞
Com carinho,
Tito Silva
9th December 2021 (30 days before the great day)