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build(deps): bump channels-redis from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0 #2064

build(deps): bump channels-redis from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0

build(deps): bump channels-redis from 3.4.1 to 4.2.0 #2064

Workflow file for this run

# WARNING: Do not edit this file manually! Edit ci/spec.yml and run ci/
{"name": "CI", "on": ["push", "pull_request"], "defaults": {"run": {"shell": "bash"}}, "env": {"PRODUCTION": "TRUE"}, "jobs": {"linting": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8]}, "fail-fast": false}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up pip cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip", "key": "pip-${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up packages", "run": "set -e\n\npip install -U pip setuptools wheel\npip install -U \\\n flake8 pylint pylint-django pylint-plugin-utils isort black autopep8 \\\n coveralls pyyaml pytest-django\npip install -U -r requirements.txt\n\necho \"PATH=$PATH\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n"}, {"name": "Copy", "run": "cp intranet/settings/ intranet/settings/"}, {"name": "Run flake8", "run": "flake8 --max-line-length 150 --exclude=*/migrations/* intranet/ scripts/ docs/ *.py"}, {"name": "Run pylintx", "run": "pylint --jobs=0 --disable=fixme,broad-exception-caught,broad-exception-raised,unsupported-binary-operation,global-statement,attribute-defined-outside-init,cyclic-import,consider-using-f-string --django-settings-module=intranet.settings intranet/"}]}, "formatting": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8]}, "fail-fast": false}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up pip cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip", "key": "pip-${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up packages", "run": "set -e\n\npip install -U pip setuptools wheel\npip install -U \\\n flake8 pylint pylint-django pylint-plugin-utils isort black autopep8 \\\n coveralls pyyaml pytest-django\npip install -U -r requirements.txt\n\necho \"PATH=$PATH\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n"}, {"name": "Copy", "run": "cp intranet/settings/ intranet/settings/"}, {"name": "Format code", "run": "./scripts/ ./scripts/"}, {"name": "Format static files and templates", "run": "./scripts/ ./scripts/"}]}, "build": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8]}, "fail-fast": false}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo (fetching all commits)", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2", "with": {"fetch-depth": 0}}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up pip cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip", "key": "pip-${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up packages", "run": "set -e\n\npip install -U pip setuptools wheel\npip install -U \\\n flake8 pylint pylint-django pylint-plugin-utils isort black autopep8 \\\n coveralls pyyaml pytest-django\npip install -U -r requirements.txt\n\necho \"PATH=$PATH\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n"}, {"name": "Copy", "run": "cp intranet/settings/ intranet/settings/"}, {"name": "Regenerate workflow YAML file and check for changes", "run": "./scripts/ ./ci/"}, {"name": "Build sources", "run": "./scripts/ ./scripts/"}, {"name": "Check for changes to CI spec", "run": "./scripts/ ./ci/"}, {"name": "Validate PR commit messages", "if": "github.event_name == 'pull_request'", "run": "./scripts/ ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}..${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"}, {"name": "Validate push commit messages", "if": "github.event_name == 'push' && (github.repository_owner != 'tjcsl' || github.ref != 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref != 'refs/heads/dev')", "run": "git fetch origin ${{ github.event.before }} && ./scripts/ ${{ github.event.before }}..${{ github.event.after }}"}, {"name": "Build docs", "run": "./scripts/ ./scripts/"}, {"name": "Push docs", "if": "github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && github.repository_owner == 'tjcsl' && matrix.python-version == 3.8", "run": "./scripts/", "env": {"GH_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.DOCS_GH_TOKEN }}"}}]}, "tests": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8], "node-version": ["12.x"]}, "fail-fast": false}, "services": {"rabbitmq": {"image": "rabbitmq:latest", "ports": ["5672:5672"], "options": "--health-cmd \"rabbitmqctl node_health_check\" --health-interval 6s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 10"}, "redis": {"image": "redis:latest", "ports": ["6379:6379"], "options": "--entrypoint redis-server"}, "postgres": {"image": "postgres:latest", "env": {"POSTGRES_USER": "postgres", "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": "postgres", "POSTGRES_DB": "postgres"}, "ports": ["5432:5432"], "options": "--health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 6s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 9"}}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up pip cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip", "key": "pip-${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up packages", "run": "set -e\n\npip install -U pip setuptools wheel\npip install -U \\\n flake8 pylint pylint-django pylint-plugin-utils isort black autopep8 \\\n coveralls pyyaml pytest-django\npip install -U -r requirements.txt\n\necho \"PATH=$PATH\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n"}, {"name": "Copy", "run": "cp intranet/settings/ intranet/settings/"}, {"name": "Set up Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-node@v1", "with": {"node-version": "${{ matrix.node-version }}"}}, {"name": "Install Sass and add Node modules bin to PATH", "run": "set -e\nnpm install sass\necho \"PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/node_modules/.bin:$PATH\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\n"}, {"name": "Set and create PGPASSFILE", "run": "set -e\nPGPASSFILE=${{ runner.temp }}/.pgpass\necho \"PGPASSFILE=$PGPASSFILE\" >> $GITHUB_ENV\necho >$PGPASSFILE\nchmod 600 $PGPASSFILE\n"}, {"name": "Create database", "run": "psql -U postgres -h -c 'create database ion'"}, {"name": "install Kerberos", "run": "sudo apt install -y krb5-user"}, {"name": "Run tests (Fork)", "if": "github.repository_owner != 'tjcsl'", "run": "coverage run -a ./ test --noinput --parallel 4"}, {"name": "Run tests (PR/Push)", "if": "github.repository_owner == 'tjcsl'", "run": "coverage run -a ./ test --noinput"}, {"name": "Check for unmigrated changes", "run": "coverage run -a ./ makemigrations --noinput --check"}, {"name": "Migrate database", "run": "coverage run -a ./ migrate"}, {"name": "Collect static files", "run": "coverage run -a ./ collectstatic --noinput -v 0"}, {"name": "Report coverage to Coveralls", "uses": "AndreMiras/coveralls-python-action@develop", "with": {"parallel": true}}, {"name": "Build coverage XML file", "if": "github.repository_owner == 'tjcsl' && github.event_name != 'pull_request'", "run": "coverage xml"}, {"name": "Report coverage to Codacy", "uses": "codacy/codacy-coverage-reporter-action@master", "if": "github.repository_owner == 'tjcsl' && github.event_name != 'pull_request'", "with": {"coverage-reports": "coverage.xml", "project-token": "${{ secrets.CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN }}"}}]}, "finish_success": {"needs": ["linting", "formatting", "build", "tests"], "runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "steps": [{"name": "Tell Coveralls that parallel jobs have finished", "uses": "coverallsapp/github-action@master", "with": {"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "parallel-finished": true}}]}}}