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Add support for live unit tests
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polac24 committed Sep 24, 2017
1 parent bfc0bb4 commit f54d48a
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Showing 6 changed files with 396 additions and 21 deletions.
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions InjectionPluginLite/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
use strict;

package InjectUnitTests;

use common;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

sub execute_command {
my $command = $_[0];

foreach my $out (`$command 2>&1`) {
print "!!$out";
print rtfEscape( $out );
error("Unit tests compile failed") if $?;
## Findls all entries defined in *.swiftdeps for a given group
## Sample group (arg): "provides-nominal" or "provides-member"...
sub get_swiftdeps {
local $/ = "\n";
my @groupValues = ();
my $filename = $_[0];
my $groupName = $_[1];
open (my $fh," <:raw", $filename);
my $section = "";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ( (my($newSection) = $line =~ /(.*)\:/) ) {
last if $section eq $groupName;
$section = $newSection;
} elsif ($section eq $groupName) {
push (@groupValues, $line =~ /-\s*(.*)$/);
close $fh;
return @groupValues;

## Findls all unit tests files that reference to @referencesToFind
## entries.
## Returns hash with appended ->{update_unit_files} array of filenames
## (not filepath).
sub get_swiftdeps_references {
local $/ = "\n";
my $referencesToFindRef = $_[0];
my $swift_matchRef = $_[1];
my @referencesToFind = @{$referencesToFindRef};
my %swift_match = %{$swift_matchRef};
return () if (scalar @referencesToFind == 0);

my $referencesUpdatedRegex = join ("|", @referencesToFind);
while (my ($moduleName, $moduleHash) = each(%swift_match)) {
if ($moduleHash->{isUnitTestModule}){
my @testCounterpartFiles = ();
my $moduleDepsPath = $moduleHash->{outputPath};
my $findDepsCmd = "grep -rle \"\Q$referencesUpdatedRegex\E\" --include=\"*.swiftdeps\" $moduleDepsPath\n";
my @outputFind = `$findDepsCmd`;
chomp @outputFind;

foreach my $lineFind (@outputFind) {
if ( my ($testFileName) = $lineFind =~ /([^\/]*)\.swiftdeps/ ){
my @allFiles = @{$moduleHash->{files}};
my @file = grep(/\/$testFileName\.swift$/i, @allFiles);
push (@testCounterpartFiles, @file);
if (scalar @testCounterpartFiles > 0){
$moduleHash->{update_unit_files} = \@testCounterpartFiles;
return %swift_match;

## Parses Both swiftc and clang commands into comprehensive hash
sub match_swift_clang_commands{
my $swiftCCommandsRef = $_[0];
my $clangCommandsRef = $_[1];
my @swiftCCommands = @{$swiftCCommandsRef};
my @clangCommands = @{$clangCommandsRef};
my %modules;

foreach my $swiftCCommand (@swiftCCommands){
my ($moduleName) = ($swiftCCommand =~ m/-module-name\s(\S*)\s/);
my @allFiles = ($swiftCCommand =~ /(\S*\.swift)\s/g);
$modules{$moduleName} = {} if !exists $modules{$moduleName};

$modules{$moduleName}{files} = \@allFiles;
$modules{$moduleName}{swiftc} = $swiftCCommand;

foreach my $clangCommand (@clangCommands){
my ($moduleName) = ($clangCommand =~ m/([^\/\s]*)\.swiftmodule\s/);
my ($swiftOutputPath) = ($clangCommand =~ m/\s(\S*)\/([^\/\s]*)\.swiftmodule\s/);
my $isUnitTestModule = $clangCommand =~ /-framework\sXCTest\s/;
$modules{$moduleName} = {} if !exists $modules{$moduleName};

$modules{$moduleName}{isUnitTestModule} = $isUnitTestModule;
$modules{$moduleName}{outputPath} = $swiftOutputPath;
$modules{$moduleName}{clang} = $clangCommand;

return %modules;

### Custom swiftc response parser. Replacement of generic decode_json to speed up
### parsing proces, which could be signifficant for bigger projects.
sub swiftc_command{
local $/ = "\n";
my $swiftcLine = $_[0];

open SWIFTC, "$swiftcLine 2>&1 | ";

my $status = "";
my @reports = ();
my $report = {};
while ( my $line = <SWIFTC> ) {
if ($line =~ /\"(kind|name|command)\"\:/){
my ($myKey) = ($line =~ /\s*\"(\S*)\"\:/);
my ($myValue) = ($line =~ /\:\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/);
$myValue =~ s/\\\//\//g;
$report->{$myKey} = $myValue;
$status = "";
if ($line =~ /\"inputs\"\:/){
$status = "inputs";
if ($line =~ /\"\S*\"\:/){
$status = "";
if ($status eq "inputs" && $line =~ /\"(\S*)\"/){
my ($inputValue) = $1;
$inputValue =~ s/\\\//\//g;
my @empty = ();
$report->{inputs} = \@empty if !exists $report->{inputs};
push ($report->{inputs}, $inputValue);
# Line with single digits begin new section (new JSON)
next if !($line =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/);

push (@reports, $report);
$report = {};
$status = "";
## Insert last section
push (@reports, $report);
close SWIFTC;
return \@reports;

## Scans all modules to find which swiftc command contained selectedFilePath.
## For found module, it rebuilts it (copies swiftmodule file) and finds all symbols
## that given file introduces. This list of symbols is used to search all files in
## XCTest modules, that reference at least one symbol. These unit test files are
## rebuilt.
## // Sidenote: rebuilding unit test module is required to retrieve full swift build
## command.

sub rebuild_project_and_find_unit_tests_commands{
my $selectedFilePath = $_[0];
my $swiftcCommandsRef = $_[1];
my $unitTestsClangCommandsRef = $_[2];
my $copySwiftModuleCommandsRef = $_[3];
my @swiftcCommands = @{$swiftcCommandsRef};
my @unitTestsClangCommands = @{$unitTestsClangCommandsRef};
my %copySwiftModuleCommands = %{$copySwiftModuleCommandsRef};

my @unitTestLearnt = ();

my %hash = match_swift_clang_commands(\@swiftcCommands, \@unitTestsClangCommands);
my @swiftDepsPaths2 = ();
my @unitTestFiles = ();
my @referencesUpdated = ();
my $implementationCommand = "";
print "!!Compiling for unit tests...\n";
while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
my $files = $value->{files};
my $swiftcLine = $value->{swiftc};
my $isUnitTestModule = $value->{isUnitTestModule};

## Rebuild swift module that includes selectedFilePath
if (index ($swiftcLine, $selectedFilePath) != -1){
my $outputs = swiftc_command($swiftcLine);

foreach my $report (@$outputs){
my $inputs = $report->{inputs};

# parse swiftc section output related to selectedFilePath
if ( grep( /^\Q$selectedFilePath\E$/, @$inputs) ){
my $injectionCommand = $report->{command};
my ($swiftDepsFile) = ($injectionCommand =~ /(\S*\.swiftdeps)\s/);
my $learntInjection = $injectionCommand;
$learntInjection =~ s/-filelist\s\S*\s/ @{[join(" ", @{$value->{files}})]} /;
$implementationCommand = $learntInjection;

@referencesUpdated = (get_swiftdeps($swiftDepsFile, "provides-nominal"), get_swiftdeps($swiftDepsFile, "provides-member"));
@referencesUpdated = uniq @referencesUpdated;


my %unitTestFiles = get_swiftdeps_references(\@referencesUpdated, \%hash);
while (my ($key, $value) = each(%unitTestFiles)) {
next if !$value->{update_unit_files};

my $affected_unit_filesRef = $value->{update_unit_files};
my @affected_unit_files = @$affected_unit_filesRef;
@affected_unit_files = grep !/\Q$selectedFilePath\E/, @affected_unit_files;
next if scalar @affected_unit_files == 0;

my $filesRef = $value->{files};
my @files = @$filesRef;
my $filesToCommand = join(" ", @files);

my $swiftcLine = $value->{swiftc};
my $swiftcOutput = swiftc_command($swiftcLine);
for my $report ( @$swiftcOutput ) {
## TODO: depend on intersection between @affected_unit_files and $report->{inputs}
my $input = $report->{inputs}[0];
if ( grep( /^\Q$input\E$/, @affected_unit_files) ){
@affected_unit_files = grep !/\Q$input\E/, @affected_unit_files;
my $injectionCommand = $report->{command};
my $nonFileCommand = $injectionCommand;
$nonFileCommand =~ s/-filelist\s\S*\s/ $filesToCommand /;
push (@unitTestLearnt, $nonFileCommand);
return {"unitTestLearnt" => \@unitTestLearnt, "implementationCommand" => $implementationCommand};

## Recompiles all unit test files and copy .o files into Bundle package with $outputFilePrefix name patter
## To speed up, $originalFilePath is an existing directory with up-to-date binaries, that can be moved to a bundle
## already executed command (in @unitTestLearnt) does not require any modification (like code coverage stripping).

sub recompile_unit_tests{
my $unitTestLearntRef = $_[0];
my $outputFilePrefix = $_[1];
my $originalFilePath = $_[2];
my @unitTestLearnt = @{$unitTestLearntRef};

my $obj = "";

# Compile corresponding unit tests
for my $i (0..$#unitTestLearnt){
my $line = $unitTestLearnt[$i];
my $objTest = "$outputFilePrefix$i.o";
$obj .= " $objTest ";
my ($oldFile) = $line =~ / -o (\S*)/;
$line =~ s@( -o )(.*)$@$1$originalFilePath/$objTest@ or die "Could not locate object file in: $line";

# Disable Code coverage for unit test file
my $generateStripped = $line =~ s/-profile-generate//g;
my $converageStripped =$line =~ s/-profile-coverage-mapping//g;

if ($generateStripped || $converageStripped){
$line =~ s/([()])/\\$1/g;

execute_command("time $line");
# Manual rebuild of test file not required (swiftc ensures up-to-date) .o binary
# Just move .o into expected path

execute_command("cp $oldFile $originalFilePath$objTest");
return $obj;

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions InjectionPluginLite/InjectionPlugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
objects = {

/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
10225D4F1F77E209008C907D /* in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 10225D4E1F77E209008C907D /* */; };
7F2EB89C145057F200E97A87 /* AppKit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7F2EB899145057EA00E97A87 /* AppKit.framework */; };
BB020F6E16B3CC2D00126E33 /* in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BB020F6D16B3CC2D00126E33 /* */; };
BB2526481F65CF7300898347 /* LICENSE in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = BB2526471F65CF7300898347 /* LICENSE */; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@

/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
089C1672FE841209C02AAC07 /* Foundation.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Foundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
10225D4E1F77E209008C907D /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.script.perl; path =; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
7F2EB899145057EA00E97A87 /* AppKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AppKit.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* InjectionPlugin.xcplugin */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = InjectionPlugin.xcplugin; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
8D5B49B7048680CD000E48DA /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,6 +189,7 @@
BB8D68AA17F1BB64009E02EE /* */,
BBEADCF516B12EAE003EF366 /* */,
BB020F6D16B3CC2D00126E33 /* */,
10225D4E1F77E209008C907D /* */,
name = Scripts;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +302,7 @@
BB3EFFCF16A535C6001F0065 /* iOSBundleTemplate in Resources */,
BB3EFFD016A535C6001F0065 /* OSXBundleTemplate in Resources */,
BB5DEF9716A55D2A00E97DD4 /* in Resources */,
10225D4F1F77E209008C907D /* in Resources */,
BBEC640216A756F700DC5E08 /* in Resources */,
BBCDA04819FD229F009AC8C5 /* in Resources */,
BBEC640316A756F700DC5E08 /* in Resources */,
Expand Down

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