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The property `IsSync` in `DistributedReplicatedLog.tla` does not hold; the node
with the longest log may forever append a value before the other nodes can catch
up.  TLC finds the following (valid) counterexample (for three nodes):

Error: Temporal properties were violated.

Error: The following behavior constitutes a counter-example:

State 1: <Initial predicate>
cLogs = (n1 :> <<>> @@ n2 :> <<>> @@ n3 :> <<>>)

State 2: <Extend(n2) line 35, col 5 to line 38, col 49 of module DistributedReplicatedLog>
cLogs = (n1 :> <<>> @@ n2 :> <<v>> @@ n3 :> <<>>)

State 3: <Extend(n2) line 35, col 5 to line 38, col 49 of module DistributedReplicatedLog>
cLogs = (n1 :> <<>> @@ n2 :> <<v, v>> @@ n3 :> <<>>)

State 4: <Copy(n3) line 26, col 9 to line 32, col 96 of module DistributedReplicatedLog>
cLogs = (n1 :> <<>> @@ n2 :> <<v, v>> @@ n3 :> <<v>>)

Back to state 2: <Copy(n1) line 26, col 9 to line 32, col 96 of module DistributedReplicatedLog>

Signed-off-by: Markus Alexander Kuppe <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
lemmy committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent dc3fe4a commit b551d53
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Showing 6 changed files with 149 additions and 2 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Here is a list of specs included in this repository, with links to the relevant
| [Software-Defined Perimeter](specifications/SDP_Verification) | Luming Dong, Zhi Niu | | | || |
| [Simplified Fast Paxos](specifications/SimplifiedFastPaxos) | Lim Ngian Xin Terry, Gaurav Gandhi | | | || |
| [Checkpoint Coordination](specifications/CheckpointCoordination) | Andrew Helwer | | | || |
| [Finitizing Monotonic Systems](specifications/FiniteMonotonic) | Andrew Helwer | | | || |
| [Finitizing Monotonic Systems](specifications/FiniteMonotonic) | Andrew Helwer, Stephan Merz, Markus Kuppe | | | || |
| [Multi-Car Elevator System](specifications/MultiCarElevator) | Andrew Helwer | | | || |
| [Nano Blockchain Protocol](specifications/NanoBlockchain) | Andrew Helwer | | | || |
| [The Readers-Writers Problem](specifications/ReadersWriters) | Isaac DeFrain | | | || |
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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions manifest.json
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Expand Up @@ -623,6 +623,34 @@
"tlaLanguageVersion": 2,
"features": [],
"models": []
"path": "specifications/FiniteMonotonic/MCDistributedReplicatedLog.tla",
"communityDependencies": ["FiniteSetsExt"],
"tlaLanguageVersion": 2,
"features": [],
"models": [
"path": "specifications/FiniteMonotonic/MCDistributedReplicatedLog.cfg",
"runtime": "00:00:05",
"size": "small",
"mode": "exhaustive search",
"features": [
"liveness", "view"
"result": "success",
"distinctStates": 37,
"totalStates": 271,
"stateDepth": 4
"path": "specifications/FiniteMonotonic/DistributedReplicatedLog.tla",
"communityDependencies": ["SequencesExt", "FiniteSetsExt"],
"tlaLanguageVersion": 2,
"features": [],
"models": []
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74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions specifications/FiniteMonotonic/DistributedReplicatedLog.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
This spec was inspired by

This spec has a machine-closed fairness constraint, which differs from the the CRDT and
ReplicatedLog examples. However, this spec assumes that a server can consistently read the
state of all other servers, which is clearly not a realistic assumption for a real
distributed system. A real system would rely on some messaging protocol to determine the
lag between servers (compare Raft).

---- MODULE DistributedReplicatedLog ----
EXTENDS Sequences, SequencesExt, Integers, FiniteSets, FiniteSetsExt

CONSTANT Lag, Servers, Values
ASSUME Lag \in Nat /\ IsFiniteSet(Servers)

vars == <<cLogs>>

TypeOK ==
/\ cLogs \in [Servers -> Seq(Values)]

Init ==
/\ cLogs \in [Servers -> {<< >>}]

Copy(i) ==
\E j \in Servers:
/\ Len(cLogs[j]) > Len(cLogs[i])
/\ \* Sync some prefix up to prefix = suffix of the unsynced suffix.
LET L == (Len(cLogs[j]) - Len(cLogs[i]))
\* Force to proportionally to the lag L copy more.
\* Lag: 1 -> 0..L, 2 -> 1..L, 3 -> 2..L
IN \E l \in L-1 .. L:
cLogs' = [cLogs EXCEPT ![i] = @ \o SubSeq(cLogs[j], Len(@) + 1, Len(@) + l)]

Extend(i) ==
/\ \A j \in Servers:
Len(cLogs[j]) \leq Len(cLogs[i])
/\ \E s \in BoundedSeq(Values, Lag - Max({Len(cLogs[i]) - Len(cLogs[j]) : j \in Servers})):
cLogs' = [cLogs EXCEPT ![i] = @ \o s]

Next ==
\E i \in Servers:
\/ Copy(i)
\/ Extend(i)

Spec ==
/\ Init
/\ [][Next]_vars
/\ \A s \in Servers: WF_vars(Extend(s)) /\ WF_vars(Copy(s))

\* Invariants

Abs(n) ==
IF n < 0 THEN -n ELSE n

BoundedLag ==
\A i, j \in Servers: Abs(Len(cLogs[i]) - Len(cLogs[j])) <= Lag

THEOREM Spec => []BoundedLag

\* Liveness

AllExtending ==
\A s \in Servers: []<><<IsStrictPrefix(cLogs[s], cLogs'[s])>>_cLogs

THEOREM Spec => AllExtending

InSync ==
\* TLC correctly verifies that InSync is not a property of the system because
\* followers are permitted to copy only a prefix of the missing suffix.
\A i, j \in Servers : []<>(cLogs[i] = cLogs[j])

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions specifications/FiniteMonotonic/MCDistributedReplicatedLog.cfg
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

Servers = {n1, n2, n3}
Values = {v}
Lag = 3




23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions specifications/FiniteMonotonic/MCDistributedReplicatedLog.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
---- MODULE MCDistributedReplicatedLog ----
EXTENDS DistributedReplicatedLog, FiniteSetsExt

\* LongestCommonPrefix in View for a single server would always shorten the
\* log to <<>>, reducing the state-space to a single state.
Cardinality(Servers) > 1


\* Combining the following conditions makes the state space finite:
\* 1) The divergence of any two logs is bounded (See Extend action)
\* 2) Terms is a *finite* set.
ASSUME IsFiniteSet(Values)
\* 3) The longest common prefix of all logs is discarded.
DropCommonPrefix ==
LET commonPrefixBound == Len(LongestCommonPrefix(Range(cLogs)))
Drop(seq, idx) == SubSeq(seq, idx + 1, Len(seq))
IN [ s \in Servers |-> Drop(cLogs[s], commonPrefixBound) ]

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion specifications/FiniteMonotonic/
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Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ Neither this approach nor the older approach have a proof of soundness and compl

Specs & models include:
- `CRDT.tla`: the spec of a basic grow-only counter CRDT
- `ReplicatedLog.tla`: the "spec of a basic append-only replicated log
- `ReplicatedLog.tla`: the spec of a basic append-only replicated log
- `DistributedReplicatedLog.tla`: a spec of a distributed replicated log that demonstrates how the technique can be used to find violations of a liveness property (`Insync`).

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