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tlrobinson committed Jul 15, 2013
0 parents commit 89650ac
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Showing 8 changed files with 437 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@


CGMiner command return a Promises/A compatible promise (specifically a [Q]( promise):

var client = new CGMinerClient(HOST, PORT);
client.COMMAND(ARG1, ARG2).then(function(results) {
}, function(err) {
// error handler

COMMAND corresponds to one of the commands detailed in [CGMiner's API documentation](


* Some commands return the raw JSON response object while other return a customized object (`devs`, etc).
* Documentation.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions bin/cgminer-cli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env coffee

CGMinerClient = require "../index"

client = new CGMinerClient
host: process.env.CGMINER_HOST or "localhost"
port: process.env.CGMINER_PORT or 4028

command = process.argv[2].toLowerCase()

if command is "help"
if process.argv.length > 3
command = process.argv[3].toLowerCase()
info = CGMinerClient.commands[command]
console.log "Command:",, if info.privledged then "(privledged)" else ""
console.log "Arguments:", info.args if info.args?
console.log "Reply:", info.reply if info.reply?
console.log "Details:\n"
console.log info.details.split("\n").map((l) -> " " + l).join("\n")
console.log ""
for name, command of CGMinerClient.commands
console.log name + " " +
(if command.args? then "#{command.args} " else "") +
(if command.reply? then "-> " + command.reply else "")
client[command].apply(client, process.argv[3..]).then (result) ->
console.log result
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

# <name--> <args-> <priv---> <rep><details-->
REGEX = /^([\w-]+)(?:\|([^ ]+))?( \(\*\))?[\n\s]+(\w+)((?:.|\n)*)$/

exports.getCommands = ->
docs = require("fs").readFileSync("#{__dirname}/commands.txt", "utf-8")
parsed = docs.split(/\n\n /g).map (command) -> command.match REGEX
commands = {}
for command in parsed when command?
commands[command[1]] =
name: command[1]
args: command[2]
privileged: !!command[3]
reply: if command[4] isnt "none" then command[4] else null
details: command[5].split("\n").map((l) -> l.replace(/^\s+/, "")).join("\n")
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions commands.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@

version VERSION CGMiner=cgminer, version
API=API| version

config CONFIG Some miner configuration information:
GPU Count=N, <- the number of GPUs
ASC Count=N, <- the number of ASCs
PGA Count=N, <- the number of PGAs
Pool Count=N, <- the number of Pools
ADL=X, <- Y or N if ADL is compiled in the code
ADL in use=X, <- Y or N if any GPU has ADL
Strategy=Name, <- the current pool strategy
Log Interval=N, <- log interval (--log N)
Device Code=GPU ICA , <- spaced list of compiled devices
OS=Linux/Apple/..., <- operating System
Failover-Only=true/false, <- failover-only setting
ScanTime=N, <- --scan-time setting
Queue=N, <- --queue setting
Expiry=N| <- --expiry setting

summary SUMMARY The status summary of the miner
e.g. Elapsed=NNN,Found Blocks=N,Getworks=N,...|

pools POOLS The status of each pool
e.g. Pool=0,URL=,Status=Alive,...|

devs DEVS Each available GPU, PGA and ASC with their details
e.g. GPU=0,Accepted=NN,MHS av=NNN,...,Intensity=D|
Last Share Time=NNN, <- standand long time in seconds
(or 0 if none) of last accepted share
Last Share Pool=N, <- pool number (or -1 if none)
Last Valid Work=NNN, <- standand long time in seconds
of last work returned that wasn't an HW:
Will not report PGAs if PGA mining is disabled
Will not report ASCs if ASC mining is disabled

gpu|N GPU The details of a single GPU number N in the same
format and details as for DEVS

pga|N PGA The details of a single PGA number N in the same
format and details as for DEVS
This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
Use 'pgacount' or 'config' first to see if there are any

gpucount GPUS Count=N| <- the number of GPUs

pgacount PGAS Count=N| <- the number of PGAs
Always returns 0 if PGA mining is disabled

switchpool|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of switching pool N to the
highest priority (the pool is also enabled)
The Msg includes the pool URL

enablepool|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of enabling pool N
The Msg includes the pool URL

addpool|URL,USR,PASS (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of attempting to add pool N
The Msg includes the pool URL
Use '\\' to get a '\' and '\,' to include a comma
inside URL, USR or PASS

poolpriority|N,... (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of changing pool priorities
See usage below

disablepool|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of disabling pool N
The Msg includes the pool URL

removepool|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of removing pool N
The Msg includes the pool URL
N.B. all details for the pool will be lost

gpuenable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the enable request

gpudisable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the disable request

gpurestart|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the restart request

gpuintensity|N,I (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting GPU N intensity to I

gpumem|N,V (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting GPU N memoryclock to V MHz

gpuengine|N,V (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting GPU N clock to V MHz

gpufan|N,V (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting GPU N fan speed to V%

gpuvddc|N,V (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting GPU N vddc to V

save|filename (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating success or failure saving the cgminer config
to filename
The filename is optional and will use the cgminer
default if not specified

quit (*) none There is no status section but just a single "BYE"
reply before cgminer quits

notify NOTIFY The last status and history count of each devices problem
This lists all devices including those not supported
by the 'devs' command
e.g. NOTIFY=0,Name=GPU,ID=0,Last Well=1332432290,...|

privileged (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating an error if you do not have privileged access
to the API and success if you do have privilege
The command doesn't change anything in cgminer

pgaenable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the enable request
You cannot enable a PGA if it's status is not WELL
This is only available if PGA mining is enabled

pgadisable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the disable request
This is only available if PGA mining is enabled

pgaidentify|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the identify request
This is only available if PGA mining is enabled
and currently only BFL singles support this command
On a BFL single it will flash the led on the front
of the device for appoximately 4s
All other non BFL PGA devices will return a warning
status message stating that they dont support it
This adds a 4s delay to the BFL share being processed
so you may get a message stating that procssing took
longer than 7000ms if the request was sent towards
the end of the timing of any work being worked on
e.g.: BFL0: took 8438ms - longer than 7000ms
You should ignore this

devdetails DEVDETAILS Each device with a list of their static details
This lists all devices including those not supported
by the 'devs' command
e.g. DEVDETAILS=0,Name=GPU,ID=0,Driver=opencl,...|

restart (*) none There is no status section but just a single "RESTART"
reply before cgminer restarts

stats STATS Each device or pool that has 1 or more getworks
with a list of stats regarding getwork times
The values returned by stats may change in future
versions thus would not normally be displayed
Device drivers are also able to add stats to the
end of the details returned

check|cmd COMMAND Exists=Y/N, <- 'cmd' exists in this version
Access=Y/N| <- you have access to use 'cmd'

failover-only|true/false (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating what failover-only was set to

coin COIN Coin mining information:
Hash Method=sha256/scrypt,
Current Block Time=N.N, <- 0 means none
Current Block Hash=XXXX..., <- blank if none
LP=true/false, <- LP is in use on at least 1 pool
Network Difficulty=NN.NN|

debug|setting (*)
DEBUG Debug settings
The optional commands for 'setting' are the same as
the screen curses debug settings
You can only specify one setting
Only the first character is checked (case insensitive):
Silent, Quiet, Verbose, Debug, RPCProto, PerDevice,
WorkTime, Normal
The output fields are (as above):

setconfig|name,N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting 'name' to N
The valid values for name are currently:
queue, scantime, expiry
N is an integer in the range 0 to 9999

usbstats USBSTATS Stats of all LIBUSB mining devices except ztex
e.g. Name=MMQ,ID=0,Stat=SendWork,Count=99,...|

pgaset|N,opt[,val] (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of setting PGA N with opt[,val]
This is only available if PGA mining is enabled

If the PGA does not support any set options, it will
always return a WARN stating pgaset isn't supported

If opt=help it will return an INFO status with a
help message about the options available

The current options are:
MMQ opt=clock val=160 to 230 (and a multiple of 2)

zero|Which,true/false (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating that the zero, and optional summary, was done
If Which='all', all normal cgminer and API statistics
will be zeroed other than the numbers displayed by the
usbstats and stats commands
If Which='bestshare', only the 'Best Share' values
are zeroed for each pool and the global 'Best Share'
The true/false option determines if a full summary is
shown on the cgminer display like is normally displayed
on exit.

hotplug|N (*) none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating that the hotplug setting succeeded
If the code is not compiled with hotplug in it, the
the warning reply will be 'Hotplug is not available'
If N=0 then hotplug will be disabled
If N>0 && <=9999, then hotplug will check for new
devices every N seconds

asc|N ASC The details of a single ASC number N in the same
format and details as for DEVS
This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
Use 'asccount' or 'config' first to see if there
are any

ascenable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the enable request
You cannot enable a ASC if it's status is not WELL
This is only available if ASC mining is enabled

ascdisable|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the disable request
This is only available if ASC mining is enabled

ascidentify|N (*)
none There is no reply section just the STATUS section
stating the results of the identify request
This is only available if ASC mining is enabled
and currently only BFL ASICs support this command
On a BFL single it will flash the led on the front
of the device for appoximately 4s
All other non BFL ASIC devices will return a
warning status message stating that they dont
support it

asccount ASCS Count=N| <- the number of ASCs
Always returns 0 if ASC mining is disabled
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
CGMinerClient = require "./index"

client = new CGMinerClient()

client.version().then (result) ->
console.log result
client.summary().then (result) ->
console.log result

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