Welcome to my public code respositories.
- I 🧡 and 🛠 🛰 with 🔭 and 📸. What a humbling experience and privilege to work on
- Have been programming for over 29 years. A little bit of everything along the way, except Cobol. I remember when AI wasn't cool!
- Earned a doctorate in electrical engineering, and still spend my nights and weekends learning new things! Check out my library to see more.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: SysML and discrete math fundamentals.
- 💬 Ask me about: Signal processing, math, and safe use of algorithms.
- ⚡ Fun fact: My research specialization is using metaprogramming to solve signal processing problems in advanced optics flying in space. But that's enough buzzwords for one day!
- ✨ I've led teams putting machine learning algorithms into production in complex systems for 10 years. It has been a lot of fun teaching newcomers all of the exciting advances in software for AI in the last few years, including the role of engineers in safe use of algorithms.
- Mentored FIRST robotics
for 9 years, and am amazed by my former students every day.