-It is a rewrite of tobias with a hybrid system of classes with pattern design.
- Go to .env.example
- Delete .example from file name
- Get your discord token and the third party tokens
- Then go to the Constants
- And change this informations
// Bot Settings
CLIENT_ID: '553725634724102144',
BOT_GUILD: '500452776770535444',
DEVELOPER_ROLE: '671404243449544704',
REGION: 'asia|eu|us|sam',
Channels: {
BUG_REPORT: '671400580781965313'
- Then use yarn install or npm install
Project Status: Development
-É um rework do Tobias com um sistema hibrido entre classes e desing pattern.
- Vá para .env.example
- Apague .example do nome do arquivo
- Consiga o seu token do Discord e serviços de terceiros
- Depois vá para Constants
- Faça as alterações
// Bot Settings
CLIENT_ID: '553725634724102144',
BOT_GUILD: '500452776770535444',
DEVELOPER_ROLE: '671404243449544704',
REGION: 'asia|eu|us|sam',
Channels: {
BUG_REPORT: '671400580781965313'
- Então use yarn install ou npm install
Status do Projeto: Em desenvolvimento