This is a collection of Proofscape modules, representing proofs from historical mathematical literature.
The library should encompass works by mathematicians like those apt to be listed under the MacTutor biographies. It should cover classic works of historical significance.
In terms of Proofscape concepts, the modules in this library contain only deductions (no annotations). These deductions represent only theorems and proofs from the literature (no expansions).
However, it is appropriate to record comparisons, linking the nodes in this library. These are akin to the editorial footnotes or cross-references often found in collected works.
Enrichments can be contributed in other project repos:
- gh.toepproj.ex: expansions and example explorers
- gh.toepproj.en: English translations
Contributions are made by forking this repository, adding or improving modules, and making a pull request. Please be sure to read
Proofscape modules can be developed using PISE, the Proofscape Integrated Study Environment.
The library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (MPL-2.0).