One of the motivations of this project is to learn the Azure services that comprise the Developer Associate certification (i.e the AZ-204 exam). As such, it includes many of the services covered in the exam: container registry, app service, functions, cosmos, blob storage, app configuration, key vault, CDN, app insights, and API management. It doesn't include virtual machines, container instances, identity/AAD/graph, redis cache, event grid, event hub, service bus, or storage queues.
An app for finding streaks in your Fitbit data, built on Azure.
Solution overview:
Here's how to get the app up and running in your Azure subscription:
The first thing to do is to choose how you'd like to name your Azure resources. Here we'll name our resources using a typical five-part naming scheme:
For example, the following resource name corresponds to a development environment, in the US East region, called
, for the first instance of an Azure Container Registry:dev-eus-myapp-acr-001
Now that we know how we want to name our resources, the next step is to update the parameters file that supplies the inputs to our ARM template. Open up the
file and edit the parametersnameEnvironment
using VS Code. Be sure to install the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools for Visual Studio Code (Preview) extension so that you get the nice syntax highlighting and linting.In addition, set the subdomain of the CDN endpoint (the
parameter) as you like and the API Management service's publishing infoapimPublisherEmail
. Set thergLocation
parameter to the region that you'd like all the resources to be created in and finally, set theadTenantId
parameter to your subscription's Azure AD tenant ID. -
With the parameters set, let's deploy the ARM template to create all the resources (note that you'll need to install the Azure CLI and use
az login
first to login to your subscription):az deployment sub create --location WestUS --template-file deploy/azuredeploy.json --parameters deploy/azuredeploy.parameters.json
After the resources have been provisioned, let's grab all of the resource group and resource instance names.
# Resource groups app_rg_name=$(az group list --query "[?ends_with(name,'-app01')].name" -o tsv) cdn_rg=$(az group list --query "[?ends_with(name,'site01')].name" -o tsv) data_rg_name=$(az group list --query "[?ends_with(name,'-data01')].name" -o tsv) func_rg=$(az group list --query "[?ends_with(name,'func01')].name" -o tsv) site_rg_name=$(az group list --query "[?ends_with(name,'-site01')].name" -o tsv) # Resource instances acr_name=$(az acr list --query "[?ends_with(name,'registry01')].name" -o tsv) apim_name=$(az resource list --query "[?ends_with(name,'apim01')].name" -o tsv) app_name=$(az webapp list --query "[?ends_with(name,'webapp01')].name" -o tsv) appconfig_name=$(az appconfig list --query "[?ends_with(name,'config01')].name" -o tsv) cdn_name=$(az resource list --query "[?ends_with(name,'cdn01')].name" -o tsv) cosmos_name=$(az resource list --query "[?ends_with(name,'cosmos01')].name" -o tsv) data_storage_name=$(az storage account list --query "[?ends_with(name,'storagedata01')].name" -o tsv) func_name=$(az functionapp list --query "[?ends_with(name,'funcapp01')].name" -o tsv) insights_name=$(az monitor app-insights component show --query "[?ends_with(name,'insightsapp01')].name" -o tsv) site_storage_name=$(az storage account list --query "[?ends_with(name,'storagesite01')].name" -o tsv) vault_name=$(az keyvault list --query "[?ends_with(name,'vault01')].name" -o tsv)
We need to turn on the static website capability of our blob storage account (since setting blob service properties is not supported in ARM templates):
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name $site_storage_name --static-website true --index-document index.html --404-document index.html
We also need to set the CORS policy on our API. Go to the Azure Portal, navigate to the API Management instance, select
>All APIs
>Inbound processing
>Add Policy
and save. -
Next we need to tell Fitbit what our auth callback URL is, so let's grab the URL:
az storage account show -n $site_storage_name -g $site_rg_name --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv
Then go to the Fitbit developer website and enter it as the
Redirect URL
. You can also addhttp://localhost:4200
for local development. -
Now let's set a life cycle policy on the blob storage account to move old biometric data to the cool tier after 30 days:
az storage account management-policy create \ --resource-group $data_rg_name \ --account-name $data_storage_name \ --policy deploy/data-blob-policy.json
The API and functions need access to the other resources (like Azure Storage). The connection and auth info will be stored in Azure App Configuration and Azure Key Vault, respectively.
Before the following commands will work, you'll need to grant yourself permission by adding an access policy to the key vault for your user/principal. Look for "Access policies" in the menu on the left when you're viewing the key vault in the Azure Portal.
Set the access key for our Cosmos DB resource:
cosmos_key=$(az cosmosdb keys list --name $cosmos_name --resource-group $data_rg_name --query "primaryMasterKey" -o tsv)
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $vault_name --name "cosmos-key" --value $cosmos_key
Set the access key for our Azure Storage account:
data_storage_key=$(az storage account keys list --account-name $data_storage_name --resource-group $data_rg_name --query "[0].value" -o tsv)
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $vault_name --name "data-storage-key" --value $data_storage_key
Set the Fitbit client ID and secret:
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $vault_name --name "fitbit-clientId" --value "<YOUR FITBIT CLIENT ID>"
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $vault_name --name "fitbit-secret" --value "<YOUR FITBIT CLIENT SECRET>"
Now that we've put our sensitive info into the Key Vault, we can create entries in our App Configuration:
insights_key=$(az resource show -g $app_rg_name -n $insights_name --resource-type "microsoft.insights/components" --query properties.InstrumentationKey -o tsv)
# Get the ID (which is a URI) of the secrets in the vault.
cosmos_key_id=$(az keyvault secret show --name "cosmos-key" --vault-name $vault_name --query "id" -o tsv)
data_storage_key_id=$(az keyvault secret show --name "data-storage-key" --vault-name $vault_name --query "id" -o tsv)
fitbit_client_id=$(az keyvault secret show --name "fitbit-clientId" --vault-name $vault_name --query "id" -o tsv)
fitbit_secret=$(az keyvault secret show --name "fitbit-secret" --vault-name $vault_name --query "id" -o tsv)
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "api:cosmos:endpoint" --value "https://$"
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "api:cosmos:key" --secret-identifier $cosmos_key_id
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "api:storage:account" --value $data_storage_name
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "api:storage:key" --secret-identifier $data_storage_key_id
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "api:appInsights:key" --value $insights_key
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "function:cosmos:endpoint" --value "https://$"
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "function:cosmos:key" --secret-identifier $cosmos_key_id
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "function:storage:account" --value $data_storage_name
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "function:storage:key" --secret-identifier $data_storage_key_id
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "function:fitbit:clientId" --secret-identifier $fitbit_client_id
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --name $appconfig_name --key "function:fitbit:secret" --secret-identifier $fitbit_secret
az appconfig kv set --name $appconfig_name --key "function:fitbit:redirectUri" --value "https://$"
We need to update the config file with the connection string to the App Configuration resource. Let's grab the connection string using the CLI and generate the config file JSON:
appconfig_connection_string=$(az appconfig credential list -n $appconfig_name -g $data_rg_name --query "[0].connectionString" -o tsv)
echo '{
"appConfig": {
"connectionString": "'$appconfig_connection_string'"
}' > api/config.json
We'll need a way for our app service to talk to the key vault - the app configuration just stores references to key vault values but it's the app service itself that will retrieve values from the key vault. To do this we'll create a (system-assigned) managed identity for our app service and then grant it access to our key vault using the default access policy permission model (instead of the role-based access control model).
Note that this says "assign" but it actually creates the system-assigned managed identity.
az webapp identity assign --name $app_name --resource-group $app_rg_name
identity_id=$(az webapp identity show --name $app_name --resource-group $app_rg_name --query "principalId" -o tsv)
az keyvault set-policy --name $vault_name --object-id $identity_id --secret-permissions get
We use Docker containers to deploy our API to an Azure App Service. The ARM template here isn't quite right yet - go to the portal > app service > Deployment Center and click Save to force an update to the publishing user credentials.
The following commands will lookup the name of our Azure Container Registry instance, create a new image, upload it to the ACR, and then build it. The build triggers a webhook that notifies the app service to deploy the code.
cd api
az acr login --name $acr_name
docker build -t bitably-api .
docker tag bitably-api $
az acr build --registry $acr_name --image bitably-api .
cd ..
When pushing updates later on you only need to run:
az acr build --registry $acr_name --image bitably-api .
You can verify that the API is up-and-running (and warm it up) by hitting the ping
endpoint in a browser. The following command will give you the full URL. If you run into any issues, check out the Log Stream in the app service via the portal.
echo https://$
First we need to edit the config file. Run the following commands to generate the contents of the file. The fitbit_client_id
is the 6-character alpha-numeric ID provided to you when you register as a Fitbit developer.
site_url=$(az storage account show -n $site_storage_name -g $site_rg_name --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv)
echo '
export const environment = {
production: true,
apiUrl: "https://'$apim_name'",
websiteUrl: "'$site_url'",
fitbitClientId: "<YOUR FITBIT CLIENT ID>"
' > spa/src/environments/
Also set the Fitbit client ID in the file spa/src/environments/environment.ts
export const environment = {
fitbitClientId: '<YOUR FITBIT CLIENT ID>'
Deploy the single page app to the storage static website:
cd spa
npm run build
az storage blob upload-batch --account-name $site_storage_name -s ./dist/bitably -d '$web' --overwrite
cd ..
First we need to put the connection string for the app configuration in our config file:
echo '{
"appConfig": {
"connectionString": "'$appconfig_connection_string'"
}' > functions/Fetch/config.json
Just like for the API, we need to create a (system-assigned) managed identity to authorize the function app to talk to the key vault:
az functionapp identity assign --name $func_name --resource-group $func_rg
identity_id=$(az functionapp identity show --name $func_name --resource-group $func_rg --query "principalId" -o tsv)
az keyvault set-policy --name $vault_name --object-id $identity_id --secret-permissions get
Next we'll deploy the Function App. The following commands will find the names of the resource group and function app and then perform a zip deployment:
cd functions
zip . -r
az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $func_rg -n $func_name --src
cd ..
Now that everything has been deployed, let's verify that it's up and running. Let's go to the CDN endpoint to load the SPA:
az cdn endpoint list --profile-name $cdn_name --resource-group $cdn_rg --query '[0].hostName' -o tsv
This will give you the host name, so just add https://
and test it out in browser. You should see the home page (if not, try reloading).
Click the Register
button, login with your Fitbit credentials, select Allow All
and click the Allow
button. You should get redirected back to the app and see your name as registered with Fitbit along with some stats (which should be 0 initially).
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the --prod
flag for a production build.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
You can run the API via Node directly:
npm run start
Or run the Docker image:
docker run --publish 80:80 bitably-api
In the above steps it's actually the Azure Container Registry that is building the Docker image for us. In addition to faster upload times (since we're just sending the source code), this also allows us to use a dev machine with an architecture (e.g. arm64) that differs from the amd64 architecture required by the Linux App Service. The alternative is to use Docker's buildx
command to build an image for an arbitrary architecture, but it's not as simple.
The documentation for the Fitbit API is located here:
Protect the API so only the APIM can call it: