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Copy the .env.example file content and create a .env file and fill the variables according to your settings. The parameters that MUST be defined in the .env file are:

  • The corpus location: variable DATASET_PATH
  • The argument quality model to be used (if ALPHA>0): variable MODEL

To run the system on a custom set of queries, change the variable TOPICS, which must contain the path to a file containing queries with the same format of touche/topics-task-1-2020.xml.

For more information about the .env file variables, check the comments available in .env.example.


  • (Optional) Run virtualenv venv (or python3 -m venv venv) to create a virtual environment for the requirements
    • Run . venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual env
    • Once you are done, run deactivate to close the virtual env
    • Note: the program has been tested with python 3.7, use virtualenv venv -p=/usr/bin/python3.7 to specify the python version
    • Note2: if you don't have venv installed, run python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
  • Run make build
    • This command will build the Lucene-based jar, install python requirements, and build trec-eval.

Optionally, you can build only the Lucene jar by running make build-jar.


After downloading the corpus and creating the .env file: run make index.


Run make run to search for the queries specified in .env (variable TOPICS) to get run.txt` file associating each query with a set of arguments.

If you are using query expansion (variable QUERY_EXP in .env), you need to download the related model (see requirements).

If you are using argument quality re-ranking (i.e. if variable ALPHA is >0 in .env), you need to download the related model (see requirements).


If you have a .qrels judgments file (read from variable JUDGMENTS in .env), run make evaluate to evaluate the performance of the program.

The command uses the .env variable RUN_NAME to pick the run-file contained in the folder data/experiment (i.e. the chosen run-file will be data/experiment/${RUN_NAME}/run.txt) and run trec-eval and output the score.