Note: the project was implemented and tested on Python 3.7.8
- Clone the project :
git clone
- Create a virtual environment and activate it:
cd lstar_dont_care
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
- Update pip and install all dependencies:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run our initial algorithms experiment on the magento toy example:
- find a 3DFA using a standard l star (moore machine):
- membership queries - for w: if w not in M return ?, else check if it is a prefix of P or in F. if not run on system and see result.
- Equivalence queries - for a 3DFA:
- Check that the failing tests in the list are indeed accepted by the 3DFA.
- Check that the passing tests are rejected by the 3DFA.
- Sample tests from L(3DFA)\cap M and check that they fail.
- Sample words from M, and check that they produce the “right” results: pass → rejected, fail → accepted.
- After the 3DFA is built run this 2 options to get the final DFA:
- run RPNI on a data set created from the 3DFA (observation table).
- run the minimization algorithm from here to get the DFA.
- Run algorithms experiment on the coffee\magento examples: