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TVM Instructions Specification

There is ~700 instructions in TVM, so it's quite painful to implement tools such as disassembler, decompiler, etc. This repo's goal is to provide machine-readable (JSON) description of TVM instructions: bytecode format, value flow and control flow information.

Codepage Specification
0 cp0.json

JSON Schema of specifications is available in schema.json. Generators such as can be used to generate wrappers for specific programming language.

Based on instructions.csv.


JSON key Status Description
doc âś… Implemented Provides human-readable information about instructions. Can be useful to provide integrated docs to user, for example, in disassembler.
bytecode âś… Implemented Describes instruction encoding. It contains information to build assemblers and disassemblers.
value_flow âś… Implemented Describes how instruction changes current stack. This part of specification allows to analyze how instructions interact with each other, so it becomes possible to implement high-level tools such as decompilers.
control_flow âś… Implemented Describes code flow (operations with cc register). It helps to reconstruct a control flow graph. This part mainly contains semantics of cont_* category instructions. For example, both JMPX and CALLX transfers execution to continuation on stack, but only CALLX returns and JMPX is not.
aliases âś… Implemented Specifies instruction aliases. Can be used to provide to user information about special cases (for example, SWAP is a special case of XCHG_0i with i = 1).


Convenient way is to add submodule to your tool. This will greatly simplify debugging and upgrading process.

git submodule add

However, nothing can stop you from just copying cp0.json (and schema.json if necessary).

Projects based on tvm-spec

  1. tvm-spec-example, tiny TVM disassembler
  2. tvm-research, collection of tool prototypes with the power of tvm-spec
  3. ton-opcode, full-fledged TVM disassembler

Instruction Specification


      "mnemonic": "LDU",
      "since_version": 0,
      "doc": {
        "category": "cell_parse",
        "description": "Loads an unsigned `cc+1`-bit integer `x` from _Slice_ `s`.",
        "gas": "26",
        "fift": "[cc+1] LDU",
        "fift_examples": [],
        "opcode": "D3cc",
        "stack": "s - x s'"
      "bytecode": {
        "tlb": "#D3 cc:uint8",
        "prefix": "D3",
        "operands": [
            "name": "c",
            "type": "uint",
            "size": 8,
            "min_value": 0,
            "max_value": 255,
            "display_hints": [{ "type": "add", "value": 1 }]
      "value_flow": {
        "inputs": {
          "stack": [
            { "type": "simple", "name": "s", "value_types": ["Slice"] }
          "registers": []
        "outputs": {
          "stack": [
            { "type": "simple", "name": "x", "value_types": ["Integer"] },
            { "type": "simple", "name": "s2", "value_types": ["Slice"] }
          "registers": []
      "control_flow": { "branches": [], "nobranch": true }
      "mnemonic": "EXECUTE",
      "since_version": 0,
      "doc": {
        "category": "cont_basic",
        "description": "_Calls_, or _executes_, continuation `c`.",
        "gas": "18",
        "fift": "EXECUTE\nCALLX",
        "fift_examples": [],
        "opcode": "D8",
        "stack": "c - "
      "bytecode": { "tlb": "#D8", "prefix": "D8", "operands": [] },
      "value_flow": {
        "inputs": {
          "stack": [
            { "type": "simple", "name": "c", "value_types": ["Continuation"] }
          "registers": []
        "outputs": { "stack": [], "registers": [] }
      "control_flow": {
        "branches": [
            "type": "variable",
            "var_name": "c",
            "save": {
              "c0": {
                "type": "cc",
                "save": { "c0": { "type": "register", "index": 0 } }
        "nobranch": false


Key Description
mnemonic How instruction is named in original TVM implementation. Not necessarily unique (currently only DEBUG is not unique). Required.
since_version Global version (ConfigParam 8) which enables this instruction. Version 9999 means that instruction has no global version and currently unavailable in mainnet.
doc Free-form human-friendly information which should be used for documentation purposes only. Required.
doc.category Category of instruction (examples: cont_loops, stack_basic, dict_get). Required.
doc.description Free-form markdown description of instruction. Required.
doc.gas Free-form description of gas amount used by instruction. Required.
doc.fift Free-form fift usage description. Required.
doc.fift_examples Array of usage examples in Fift. Each array element is object with fift and description keys. Required.
doc.opcode Free-form bytecode format description. Required.
doc.stack Free-form description of stack inputs and outputs. Usually the form is [inputs] - [outputs] where [inputs] are consumed stack values and outputs are produced stack values (top of stack is the last value). Required.
bytecode Information related to bytecode format of an instruction. Assuming that each instruction has format `prefix
bytecode.tlb TL-b bytecode format description. Required.
bytecode.prefix Prefix to determine next instruction to parse. It is a hex bitstring as in TL-b (suffixed with _ if bit length is not divisible by 4, trailing '1' + '0' * x must be removed). Required.
bytecode.operands_range_check In TVM, it is possible for instructions to have overlapping prefixes, so to determine actual instruction it is required to read next length bits after prefix as uint i and check from <= i <= to. Optional, there is no operands check in case of absence.
bytecode.operands Describes how to parse operands. Order of objects in this array represents the actual order of operands in instruction. Required.
bytecode.operands[i].name Operand variable name. Allowed chars are a-zA-Z0-9_, must not begin with digit or underscore and must not end with underscore. Required.
bytecode.operands[i].type Type of operand. Must be one of int, uint, ref, pushint_long, subslice. Types are described below. Required.
bytecode.operands[i].* Additional options for types, specified below.
value_flow Information related to usage of stack and registers by instruction. Required.
value_flow.inputs Incoming values constraints. Required.
value_flow.inputs.registers Defines how registers is used by instruction. Instruction must not operate on registers other than defined here. Required.
value_flow.inputs.registers[i] Register which is access by instruction.
value_flow.inputs.registers[i].type Type of register: "constant", "variable", "special". Required.
value_flow.inputs.registers[i].* Properties for registers of each type are described below.
value_flow.inputs.stack Defines how current stack is used by instruction. Instruction must not operate on stack entries other than defined here. Optional, input stack is unconstrained if absent.
value_flow.inputs.stack[i] Stack entry or group of stack entries.
value_flow.inputs.stack[i].type Type of stack entry. Can be one of "simple", "const", "conditional", "array". Required.
value_flow.inputs.stack[i].* Properties for stack entries of each type are described below.
value_flow.outputs Outgoing values constraints. Required. Identical to value_flow.inputs.
control_flow Information related to current cc modification by instruction. Required.
control_flow.branches Array of possible branches of an instruction. Specifies all possible values of cc after instruction execution. Required. Each branch described by a Continuation object described below.
control_flow.nobranch Can this instruction not perform any of specified branches in certain cases (do not modify cc)? Required. If instruction has no control flow, nobranch is true and branches are empty.

Operand Types Specification and Examples

display_hints property is available for uint, int, ref and subslice operand types. For ref and subslice there is continuation and dictionary hint types, and for uint there is add, stack, register, pushint4, optional_nargs and plduz hints.

display_hints[i].type Description
continuation Slice from this operand (type = ref, subslice) is a continuation.
dictionary Slice from this operand (type = ref, subslice) is a dictionary with key size defined in size_var property of a hint.
add Some constant must be added in order to correctly display this operand (type = uint). [cc+1] LDU <=> { "type": "add", "value": 1 }.
stack This operand (type = uint) is a stack entry reference (s0 for example).
register This operand (type = uint) is a register reference (c0 for example).
pushint4 To display this operand (type = uint), 16 must be substracted, but only if operand value > 10. For example, 0xF displayed as -1, 0xA is 10 and 0xB is -5.
optional_nargs 0xF is displayed as -1, other values left untouched (type = uint).
plduz This operand (type = uint) is displayed as 32*(c+1). If value is not divisible by 32 during assembly, error should be raised.


    "name": "i",
    "type": "uint",
    "size": 4,
    "min_value": 0,
    "max_value": 15,
    "display_hints": [{ "type": "stack" }, { "type": "add", "value": 1 }]

Type of unsigned size-bit integer with valid values in range min_value...max_value. Arguments size, min_value, max_value of type number and display_hints of type array are required.


    "name": "i",
    "type": "int",
    "size": 4,
    "min_value": -8,
    "max_value": 7,
    "display_hints": []

Type of signed size-bit integer with valid values in range min_value...max_value. Arguments size, min_value, max_value of type number and display_hints of type array are required.


    "name": "c",
    "type": "ref",
    "display_hints": [{ "type": "continuation" }]

Type of a single reference. Unlike subslice with refs_add = 1, should dereference instead of returning empty cell with a single reference.


    "name": "x",
    "type": "pushint_long"

Special type which currently is used only in PUSHINT_LONG instruction. Consists of 5-bit uint size and integer of bit size 8 * size + 19.


    "name": "slice",
    "type": "subslice",
    "bits_length_var_size": 5,
    "refs_length_var_size": 2,
    "bits_padding": 1,
    "refs_add": 1,
    "completion_tag": true,
    "max_bits": 248,
    "min_bits": 0,
    "max_refs": 4,
    "min_refs": 1,
    "display_hints": []

TLB notation: r:(## 2) xx:(## 5) c:((r + 1) * ^Cell) ssss:((8 * xx + 1) * Bit)

Loads r uint of size refs_length_var_size (if present), x uint of size bits_length_var_size. Then loads subslice of bit length x * 8 + bits_padding and ref count r + refs_add. If completion_tag argument with value true is passed, remove completion tag from bitstring (trailing '1' + '0' * x).

Argument Description
bits_length_var_size Size of bit length operand. Required.
bits_padding Constant integer value to add to length of bitstring to load. Required.
refs_length_var_size Size of ref count operand. Optional, assuming no refs if absent.
refs_add Constant integer value to add to ref count. Optional, assuming 0 if absent.
completion_tag Boolean flag, tells to remove trailing '1' + '0' * x from bitstring if true. Required.
max_bits Hint for maximum bits available to store for this operand. Required.
min_bits Hint for minimum bits available to store for this operand. Required.
max_refs Hint for maximum refs available to store for this operand. Required.
min_refs Hint for minimum refs available to store for this operand. Required.
display_hints Set of hints for converters between Asm.fif and bytecode representations. Required.

Stack Entry Specification and Examples


    "type": "simple",
    "name": "c",
    "value_types": ["Continuation"]

Specifies a single stack entry, attaches name to it and optionally constraints its type by value_types. Possible types are Integer, Cell, Builder, Slice, Tuple, Continuation, Null. For example, dict is actually "value_types": ["Slice", "Null"] as it can be either Slice or Null. Absence of value_types means that this stack entry may be of any type.


    "type": "const",
    "value": 32,
    "value_type": "Integer"

Specifies a constant value on stack. value_type is either Integer or Null, with number type value for Integer and null value for Null.


        "type": "conditional",
        "name": "status",
        "match": [
                "value": 0, 
                "stack": []
                "value": -1, 
                "stack": [
                        "type": "simple",
                        "name": "c",
                        "value_types": ["Cell"]
        "type": "simple",
        "name": "status",
        "value_types": ["Integer"]

Stack notation: 0 or c -1

        "type": "conditional",
        "name": "x",
        "match": [
            {"value": 0, "stack": []}
        "else": [
                "type": "const",
                "value": null,
                "value_type": "Null"
        "type": "simple",
        "name": "x",
        "value_types": ["Integer"]

Stack notation: x or null x

Depending on value of variable specified in name, put values specified in corresponding arm of match. If else arm is not present, then input for this conditional may be only of specified values.


    "type": "array",
    "name": "key_message_pairs",
    "length_var": "n",
    "array_entry": [
            "type": "simple",
            "name": "pk",
            "value_types": ["Slice"]
            "type": "simple",
            "name": "msg",
            "value_types": ["Slice"]

Stack notation: pk_1 msg_1 ... pk_n msg_n

Specifies a bunch of stack entries with length from variable length_var, usually noted as x_1 ... x_n. Each part of array, such as x_i or x_i y_i is described in array_entry. Used in tuple, continuation arguments and crypto operations.


  1. Each variable name is unique across operands, value_flow, and control_flow sections of each instruction. Assumed that variables are immutable, so if variable x is defined both in inputs and outputs, it goes to output without any modification.
  2. Value flow describes only cc stack usage before the actual jump or call. Subsequent continuations may have a separate stack, so this will be defined in control flow section of this spec.

Register Specification and Examples


    "type": "constant",
    "index": 0

Represents c{index} register.


    "type": "variable",
    "var_name": "i"

Represents c{{var_name}} register. Its number is taken from variable var_name, defined in stack inputs or operands.


    "type": "special",
    "name": "gas"
    "type": "special",
    "name": "cstate"

Represents gas registers (used by app_gas instructions) and cstate (used by COMMIT instruction).

Continuations Specification and Examples

Each object represents a continuation, which can be constructed in several ways:

  • from a variable (operand or stack)
  • from cc register
  • from c0-c3 registers
  • by "extraordinary continuation" constructors (as in tvm.pdf, p.50: "4.1.5. Extraordinary continuations.")

Savelist can be defined using save property. Keys are c0, c1, c2, c3 and values are continuation objects (in fact, continuation is a recursive type, representing a tree of continuations). Please note that savelist defined here will not override already saved continuation registers (that's the standard behaviour of TVM when saving registers).


    "type": "variable",
    "var_name": "c",
    "save": {
        "c0": {
            "type": "cc",
            "save": {
                "c0": { "type": "register", "index": 0 }

Specifies a variable-backed continuation. Variable may be not referenced previously (in operands or value_flow section), assuming that it is defined somewhere in the actual implementation of the instruction. Example of such instruction is DICTIGETJMP: internally it does dictionary lookup for continuation retrieval, so x in control flow is expected to be defined in the implementation of DICTIGETJMP.


    "type": "cc",
    "save": {
        "c0": { "type": "register", "index": 0 }

Specifies a continuation, which is constructed from cc code and save registers. In C++ implementation this operation is implemented in VmState::extract_cc.


    "type": "register",
    "index": 3,
    "save": {
        "c0": {
            "type": "cc",
            "save": {
                "c0": { "type": "register", "index": 0 }

Specifies continuation from register with index ("index": 3 => take continuation from c3).


    "type": "special",
    "name": "repeat",
    "args": {
        "count": "n",
        "body": {
            "type": "variable",
            "var_name": "c"
        "after": {
            "type": "cc",
            "save": {
                "c0": { "type": "register", "index": 0 }

Specifies extraordinary continuation. save property does not apply here.

name args description
repeat string count; continuation body, after Count is the name of a count variable. Jumps to body with c0 = repeat(count - 1, body, after), jumps to after if count <= 0.
until continuation body, after Pops boolean from stack, jumps to after if it is true, otherwise jumps to body with c0 = until(body, after).
while continuation cond, body, after Pops boolean from stack, jumps to after if it is false, otherwise jumps to body with c0 = cond and cond.c0 = while(cond, body, after).
again continuation body Jumps to body with c0 = again(body).
pushint continuation next; integer value Push value on stack, jump to next.

Alias Specification


    "mnemonic": "ROT2",
    "alias_of": "BLKSWAP",
    "doc_fift": "ROT2\n2ROT",
    "doc_stack": "a b c d e f - c d e f a b",
    "description": "Rotates the three topmost pairs of stack entries.",
    "operands": {
        "i": 1,
        "j": 3


Key Description
mnemonic Alias name. Required.
alias_of Mnemonic of aliased instruction. Required.
doc_fift Free-form fift usage description. Optional.
doc_stack Free-form description of stack inputs and outputs. Usually the form is [inputs] - [outputs] where [inputs] are consumed stack values and outputs are produced stack values (top of stack is the last value).
description Free-form markdown description of alias. Optional.
operands Values of original instruction operands which are fixed in this alias. Currently it can be integer or slice without references which is represented by string of '0' and '1's. Type should be inferred from original instruction operand loaders. Required.