This is a small deck API which supports following actions:
- create deck action - which accepts flag to be shuffled and/or custom card codes
- open deck action - which returns given deck id and all remaining cards
- draw card action - which draws a card from the deck with given id and optionally accepts number of cards
This is written in golang version 1.14 and minimal version is 1.13. The reason behind it is this program uses new error wrapping introduced in 1.13.
API can be run with go run main.go server
or it can be built with go build
and then
ran with ./deck-api server
. Program optionally supports -p (--port) flag to define
custom port otherwise it runs on port 9000
Tests can be run with go test ./...
POST /decks?shuffle=true&cards=2H,2D,AS => create deck
shuffle - optional parameter for shuffling cards
- optional parameter for specifying cards
- cards consist of value and suit first letter or value
- values: [A, 2...10, J, Q, K] (ace, jack, queen, king)
- suits: [H, D, S, C] (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs)
GET /decks/{deckID} => open deck
GET /decks/{deckID}/draw?amount=13 => draw cards with optional parameter amount