Releases: toniebox-reverse-engineering/micropython
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v2.0.0
SD bootmanager
The bootmanger is now able to load images from the sd card. If it is missing it falls back to the "flash:/sys/pre-img.bin" image. Selecting still works with pressing the ears while starting the box.
This means you just need to flash the custom bootmanager just once and can easly change the software image over the sd card.
Booting from the flash has been removed (beside the fallback to the original image).
Directory: "sd:/revvox/boot/"
- pre-img.bin # You should place the original bootloader here
- pre-img1.bin # Usally for the custom firmware (in progress) - optional
- pre-img2.bin # currently not used - optional
- pre-img3.bin # Usally for micropython - optional
For more information check the wiki
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v1.2.1
The wifi ap name is changed to "mpy-toniebox-RevvoX" and the password is removed completely (It still deletes all old passwords from the box's memory).
The box now creates a that resets the box after 60s. The reset isn't clean, as it boots into the OFW, but wifi seems to be broken. But this fixes itself if the box goes to sleep or you reset it yourself.
You can just change the reset behaviour by editing both files via ftp. Also the "safemode" is removed. So, if you put code into the / and it crashes the box you will need to flash the box physically to fix this! In the future micropython will be dropped completly, as the CFW will be able to update the box's flash.
original reset code:
# -- run on boot-up
# can run arbitrary Python, but best to keep it minimal
import os, machine
os.dupterm(machine.UART(0, 115200))
import machine
from machine import WDT
import time
wdt = WDT(timeout=90000) #WDT Reset after 90s
time.sleep(60) #Reset after 60s
For more information check the wiki
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v1.1.1
The wifi ap name is changed to "mpy-toniebox-RevvoX" and the password is temporarily set to "TeamRevvoX" until we found a way to remove it completly.
For more information check the wiki
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v1.1.0
The bootmanager now checks if the firmware image selected exists. If not, it starts the first one. Also a forth firmware image can be loaded.
The wifi ap name is changed to "mpy-toniebox" and the password is removed. Also you can now write files via ftp to /flash/sys/*.bin to overwrite firmware related files (firmwares, bootinfo, bootmgr)
For more information check the wiki
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v1.0.1
Release v1.0.1 fixes the broken tap and tilt function of the toniebox after waking up the box from sleep.
For more information check the wiki
Toniebox Custom Bootmanager + Micropython v1.0.0
First release of the custom toniebox pre-bootloader.
For more information check the wiki