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DICOM RT-Ion interface for MC simulation

Current version is BETA as of Aug14, 2019

DICOM RT-Ion interface, shortly RTI, is a library to convert treatment planning information in DICOM format into Monte Carlo components on-the-fly such as geometries and beam source. The RTI allows integration of DICOM-RT Ion interface within a MC engine to provide more reliable and consistent performance than with a script-based processing to interpret DICOM information. For the Monte Carlo simulation, TOPAS extensions of geometry and particle source to connect RTI are provided.

DICOM-RT objects utilized in this interface are

  • Ion Plan (RTIP)
  • Ion Beams Treatment Record (RTIBTR)
  • CT image
  • RT-Dose

note: RT Plan is not supported (2019. July 22).

Beamline geometries, gantry and patient coordinate systems, and fluence map are determined from RTIP and/or RTIBTR. CT image and Dose are used only for patient dose calculations.

Getting started


  • GDCM tested versions are 2.4, 2.6.8, and 3.0.

(GDCM version 3.0 works with RTI if you compile TOPAS 3.9 from source instead of using the binary package.)

Monte Carlo

  • TOPAS are tested for versions 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, and 3.9

Tested operating systems

  • Mac OS X
    • 10.14.5, clang++ (LLVM version 10.0.1, /usr/bin/c++)
    • 12.6.2, clang++ (LLVM version 14.0.0, /usr/bin/c++) with topas 3.9
    • cmake version 3.24
  • Linux
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 g++ (4.9.0)
    • Ubuntu 12.0 with gcc 11
    • Ubuntu 19.10
    • Ubuntu 22.04 (gcc 11.3)


As RTI is a header only library, copy or download the files to somewhere in your system.

$ cd /<your_sw_path>/
$ git clone rti.git

If you are compiling dicom-interface with topas releases ( not from source), you need to use same headers of gdcm that topas used.

$ cd /<your_sw_path>/rti.git
$ tar -zxf gdcm-2.6.include.tar.gz
$ ls gdcm-2.6

Then, go to the directory where your topas is installed.

$ cd /<your_topas_path>/

Add two lines in CMakeList.txt (in TOPAS) as following:

include_directories (
$ cmake -DTOPAS_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/<your_sw_path>/rti.git/rti/topas/rtion .
$ make -j4

Run a test

$ cd /your_sw_path/rti.git/topas/tutorial/
$ topas beam_view.txt

For more detail, please see this project's wiki page


  • Shin, Jungwook: main developments and documentations.
  • Hueso-Gonzalez, Fernando: documentations and discussion
  • Edmunds, David: GPU (cuda) implementation
  • Kooy, Hanne, M. : Advisor
  • Paganetti, Harald : Advisor
  • Clasie, Benjamin M. : Advisor


This project is initiated by Massachusetts General Hospital and continuously supported by a NIH grant, TOPAS project (U24).

How to cite

Please cite this paper:

License (TBD):

This project is licensed under - see the file for details.