For ubuntu distros of raspi you'll need toinstall v4l2, cv2_bridge and libcamera. From our experience with raspberry pi 5 compiling libcamera from the raspberryPi respository is the only way to work with raspberry pi 5 and Raspicam v1.3 ov5647 in docker enviroment (Jammy 22.04.3). The package camera_ros can be installed with apt, but since it depends to libcamera and the version available on apt wont work with raspberry pi 5 I removed libcamera from the package.xml and created a new fork of the repo, so compiling camera_ros from here and with the raspberryPi libcamera version is the only option.
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node
Video format for streaming. You may need to change this parameter for your camera.
Camera role, options: raw, still, video, viewfinder.
Width for the stream
Height for the stream
ID of the camera
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node --ros-args -p width:=1920 -p height:=1080 -p format:="UYVY"