Overview of the proposed training process of crop seed instance segmentation.
See https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/866921v2 for details
Codes in Jupyter Notebook format
- Barley data
- Synthetic Images and Masks of Test Data
- Real World Images of Test Data (19 barley cultivar)
- The annotation of Real World Images formated in JSON
- Trained Model Weights
- Other crops
- Model Weights and Image of Rice seeds
- Model Weights and Images of 4 Wheat cultivars. One model can infer 4.
Clone the repository
Install Dependencies (See below)
Download the data.zip from google drive and place it into the top directory of this repository
Run the notebook
- Mask RCNN implemented with Keras/Tensorflow provided by matterport.
- Keras==2.2.4
- Tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1
- pyefd==1.4.1 (for EFD analysis)
- other general packages such as sklearn, scikit-image, opencv3, etc..
Yosuke Toda
JST PRESTO / ITbM, Nagoya Univ.