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Touché Task 2: Comparative Argument Retrieval - Mercutio

Mirrored Repository Info

This repository is mirrored from this GitLab repository. This repository will not be updated. Please work with the GitLab repository if possible.



Install docker and get a api key from Chat Noir.


Build the docker image with

docker build . -t mercutio -f docker/Dockerfile

Afterwards, run it with:

docker run -e "CHAT_NOIR_API_KEY=$CHAT_NOIR_API_KEY" mercutio:latest

The api key needs to be set as an environment variable or replaced in the line above.

To specify a custom config (e.g. configs/baseline.yaml), use:

docker run -e "CHAT_NOIR_API_KEY=$CHAT_NOIR_API_KEY" -v $(pwd)/configs/baseline.yaml:/app/config.yaml mercutio:latest

Instead of building the docker image on your own, you can also use one from that we uploaded there. Download it with:

docker pull procrastimax/mercutio

All available options can be listed with --help:

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--limit-topics LIMIT_TOPICS] [--single-topic SINGLE_TOPIC] [--judge]
               [--identifier IDENTIFIER] [--trec TREC]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Path to the configuration file
  --limit-topics LIMIT_TOPICS, -l LIMIT_TOPICS
                        Only process first n topics
  --single-topic SINGLE_TOPIC, -t SINGLE_TOPIC
                        Only process a single topic specified by this number. This parameter is only used if the '--
                        limit-topics' parameter is not set! Valid topic numbers: 1-50
  --judge, -j           If this flag is set, than the judgement/ reevalation pipeline is started. Combine this flag
                        with the '-l' parameter to only judge the given topic.
  --identifier IDENTIFIER, -i IDENTIFIER
                        If this flag is set the topics are loaded from a the given identifier (e.g test). NOTE: The
                        pipeline steps are executed regardless, so make sure the correct steps are set in the
  --trec TREC           Writes a trec file with the whole ranking


Run pipenv run src/ -i v0 for evaluating the ranking with the name v0. It generates various metrics and writes files into evaluation/.

All options for the evaluation are:

usage: [-h] [--qrels QRELS] [-o OUTPUT] [-i RANKING_ID]
                   [-s STRATEGY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --qrels QRELS         Path to the qrels file with relevance judgements.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
  -i RANKING_ID, --ranking-id RANKING_ID
                        REQUIRED The name of the ranking which will be
  -s STRATEGY, --strategy STRATEGY
                        Strategy for handling unknown relevance. Choose one
                        of: ['assume_not_relevant', 'assume_relevant',

Grid Search

After the results of a specific configuration are retrieved from ChatNoir, a grid search for the best weights of the Remerging Pipe can be run:

pipenv run src/ -i [run name] --start 0.5 --end 1.2 --step 0.1

This would use the serialized documents from specified run for testing all possible weight combinations between 0.5 and 1.2 (with 0.1 interval steps). The results are then saved in a csv in the directory gridsearch/.

Specific scores can be excluded from the grid search with the --ignore parameter. One of them should always be excluded: by default the ChatNoir score will not be changed by the grid search. All ignored weight values are read from the specified run's configuration.

All options are:

usage: [-h] [--src SRC] [--qrels QRELS] [-o OUTPUT]
                             [-i RANKING_ID] [-s STRATEGY] [--start START]
                             [--end END] [--step STEP]
                             [--ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --src SRC
  --qrels QRELS         Path to the qrels file with relevance judgements.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
  -i RANKING_ID, --ranking-id RANKING_ID
                        The id of the ranking run that is used for the grid
  -s STRATEGY, --strategy STRATEGY
                        Strategy for handling unknown relevance. Choose one
                        of: ['assume_not_relevant', 'assume_relevant',
  --start START         Start value for the weights
  --end END             End value for the weights
  --step STEP           Step size for the grid search
  --ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]
                        Names of weights that will be ignored in the grid
                        search. One of them should always be ignored.



For a system that already has python3 configured and pip3 installed, install pipenv with: pip3 install --user pipenv. Then install all needed python packages to run this project: pipenv install.