Alienware Command Center for Dell G series with keybords USB 187c:0550 and USB 187c:0551
- Dependencies : libnotify
git clone
make install
Make a udev rule for it.(make sure to replace 0551 by 0550 if ur using that)
# /etc/udev/rules.d/99-awcc.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="187c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0551", MODE="0660",GROUP="plugdev"
Then execute these cmds to add urself in plugdev
sudo groupadd plugdev
sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
Alienware Command Center for Dell G Series
Usage: awcc [command] [arguments]...
Light Controls:
brightness <value> Set brightness
rainbow <duration> Set Rainbows Spectrum
wave <color> Set Wave Effect
bkf <color> Set Back and fourth effect
static <color> Static color
breathe <color> It lives and breathes!
spectrum <duration> Cycles through all colors
defaultblue Static Default Blue color
Fan Controls(Run As root):
g G-Mode
q Quite Mode
p Performance Mode
gt G-Mode Toggle (useful for setting as keybinds)
Tested on: Dell G15 5530 with USB 187c:0551
Should Work in all Dell G15 models and some G16 too Feel Free to test and give suggestions!
Q: How do a keybind for Light Toggle ?
Ans : Install it and make a script under ~/.local/share/bin
as follows
VALUES=(0 50 100)
CURRENT_INDEX=$(cat "$STATE_FILE" 2>/dev/null || echo -1)
echo "Executing command with argument: $ARG"
awcc brightness "$ARG"
and Bind it to a key preferrably F5
Q: I am a amd user the fan cmds dont work?
Ans:Use a text editor to find a replace in file named /include/fans.cpp
and then build
Find -> AMWW
Replace with -> AMW3
- @meduk0
- Arch Wiki
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