[latest] - 2024-12-28
Automatically generate changelog
[1.6.0] - 2024-12-27
Include death message in player-died event metadata
Send a 'player-died' event with the mob name + type
Update build.yml
Update build.yml to include all json files from Brilliance
Use data from Brilliance to limit card counts when generating a player's deck
[1.5.0] - 2024-12-25
Support broadcast notifications (used to show queue events in the dungeon)
Schedule lobby update of player's inventory after syncing scoreboard data
Do not give players a shulker if run context failed to initialize
Do not override run context, and message player if dunga-dunga is unreachable
Send bungeecord message immediately when sending spectators back to lobby
Send spectators back to lobby when 'game-ended' event is logged
[1.4.1] - 2024-12-22
Fix API model for batch update scores API
Send 'player-seen' events for spectators
Skip shutdown if server is already shutting down
Generate new models, send run metadata as part of scoreboard sync
[1.4.0] - 2024-09-15
Support giving players non-card items like potions, keys, and coins
[1.3.0] - 2024-08-26
Set run-id from claim context
Fix typo in scoreboards.json download action
Use scoreboards.json (authored in Brilliance) to determine which objectives to store
Sync all achievements, not just do2 ones. Mute achievements during connection
[1.2.0] - 2024-08-10
Pass in full deck ID when fetching player cards
Use run context to determine which deck to retrieve, update card schema
Do not persist player data on builders
Store player advancements in dunga-dunga, and apply them when they reconnect
Filter scoreboard values based on run type (retrieved from Claim)
[1.1.0] - 2024-06-27
Track deck ID, card count, and deck data at the start of each dungeon run
Generate an run ID (UUID) on startup, send that to DungaDunga as part of each event
Fail gracefully when API calls fail as part of player join events
Update build.yml
Use active deck instead of always using Deck 1
[1.0.0] - 2024-06-09
Update license
Move write permission to top-level definition of release action
Grant write permissions to release job
Disable stat tracking on builders
Store and restore player stats whenever the player joins / leaves the server
[0.5.0] - 2024-06-09
Add is-dungeon-instance cmd
Shutdown server on 'shutdown-server-if-empty' Task, if server is empty
Fix OriginalName field in Pork Chop Power NBT to match wonky original
Delete release.yml action and only use Java 17 when building
Compare against Card key when checking for ethereal cards
Create release.yml
[0.4.1] - 2024-06-01
Omit color field from card NBT data for certain cards
Fix NBT data on Cards so that they match in-game filters
Create /add-item command that allows for storing any item related to a player
[0.4.0] - 2024-04-21
Also send 'player-seen' events when a player joins the server
Send a 'player-seen' event every second that a player is connected
Allow card events to pass in card names with dashes instead of underscores
Allow players to place their shulker on a redstone lamp
Include active player count in server-online event, and send server-closing event on shutdown
Generate latest dunga-dunga API models
Send server-online event every 15 seconds
[0.3.0] - 2024-02-07
Added tests but code still stops at Jedis constructor
Added logging (maybe)
Added update-datapack
Add new api call wrapper for dunga dunga (#14 )
Create card-played and card-available commands
Agronet support for update-workers command, also added fabric permissions checking
Merge pull request #19 from trackedout/feat/update-datapack
Way more logging
Rename test-request-update redis message to just request-update
Revert shadow jar generation, bump Kotlin and Fabric loader dependencies to match dungeon server
Still not working but checking in anyway
Changing permission of gradlew
Fix debug logging when adding deck to player inventory
Merge pull request #10 from trackedout/Fix-isDeckedOutDoor-check
Fix is decked out door check
Generate models for Task API
Remove command to enter dungeon, this is handled by dunga dunga via an event (#17 )
[0.2.1] - 2024-01-02
Minor grammar and formatting fixes
Remove deck from player inventory action (#9 )
[0.2.0] - 2024-01-01
Support sending events from a Command Block without needing a player
Give player their deck when joining dungeon instance (#8 )
#6 Set display name NBT data for Decked Out shulker as well as all Cards
Expose method for finding a card by name (used by Citadel)
Model Decked Out 2 cards (name, display name, model data, name colour)
Allow /log-event to be run without a count, and default that count to 1
Log a card-bought event as part of card-bought command
Create command to add cards to Player's Deck via DungaDunga
Refactor log-event command into its own class
[0.1.0] - 2023-12-21
Fetch Player deck from Dunga Dunga and use that data to build their shulker box
Tag the player with "do2.received_shulker" when they receive their shulker, and refuse to give it again if they have that tag
Integrate with Events API, sending /log-event data to Dunga Dunga
Stop auto-building on Windows
WIP code to teleport a player into the the dungeon when they strike the door with a key
Remove player arg from /log-event command as we can infer this from context
[0.0.2] - 2023-12-16
Rename Agro-net logger
Register two WIP commands for managing the shulker in player inventories
Target Minecraft 1.20.1 for testing
Create sample scoreboard processing listener
[0.0.1] - 2023-12-13
Wire up GetUsers API call to /log-event command (proof of concept)
Use Swagger spec to create client for calling DungaDunga backend
Intial commit
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