Remember to install pre-commit hooks before making any changes to the repository.
Playwright suite used to validate the end to end functionality of the FPO dev hub
The hub service allows users to authenticate using their SCP logins and create credentials in Api Gateway in order to make requests to the Commodity Code Identification Tool (the protected resource).
The general flow that we're validating in this suite is as follows:
participant User
participant Playwright
participant SCP as SCP (SSO Provider)
participant Hub Frontend
participant Cognito as Cognito (M2M)
participant Hub Backend
participant DynamoDB
participant APIGateway as API Gateway
User->>Playwright: Initiate test
Playwright->>SCP: Authenticate with OpenID
SCP-->>Playwright: Token
Playwright->>Hub Frontend: Access with token
Hub Frontend->>Cognito: Authenticate with client credentials
Cognito-->>Hub Frontend: Access token
Hub Frontend->>Playwright: Display dashboard
Playwright->>Hub Frontend: Create API Gateway API Key credentials
Hub Frontend->>APIGateway: Generate API Key
APIGateway-->>Hub Frontend: API Key
Hub Frontend-->>Playwright: Return API Key
Playwright->>APIGateway: Perform Commodity Code Identification with API Key
APIGateway->>Hub Backend: Forward request with API Key
Hub Backend->>DynamoDB: Query data
DynamoDB-->>Hub Backend: Return data
Hub Backend-->>APIGateway: Return data
APIGateway-->>Playwright: Return data
Playwright-->>User: Test results
The hub frontend is accessible on the following URLs:
Implementation details for the frontend and backend can be reviewed, here:
The tests require these 2 environment variables to be set.
you can use your own SCP credentials to initialize them. For the first time, run this command to install Chromium.
npx playwright install
npx playwright test
npx playwright test --headed --debug