This repo was created in order to generate reusable workflows so we can keep our repos as DRY as possible.
- deploy_terraform: used to deploy Terraform infrastructure just using Terraform (no Terragrunt or Terraspace)
- deploy_terragrunt: used to deploy a Terragrunt project.
- terragrunt_test: Runs terragrunt plan against a Terragrunt project.
- docker_build_and_push: Builds and uploads a Docker image to an ECR repo.
- check_terraform_files: you can configure some tests to run on your Terraform code when doing a pull request for example. Current checks: terraform fmt, Checkov, TFSec
To contribute to the repo, follow this process:
- Create a branch for your new reusable workflow.
- Create the workflow (YAML) file on .github/workflows.
- Send a pull request and let the DevOps/Infra team review it.