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Creates an AWS Lambda function to clean up manual RDS snapshots on a scheduled interval using milmove-aws-tools.

Creates the following resources:

  • IAM role for Lambda function find and delete expired RDS snapshots for a defined RDS instance.
  • CloudWatch Events to trigger Lambda function on a schedule.
  • AWS Lambda function to actually delete excess manual RDS snapshots.


module "rds-snapshot-cleaner" {
  source  = "transcom/rds-snapshot-cleaner/aws"
  version = "4.0.3"

  cleaner_db_instance_identifier = "app-staging"
  cleaner_dry_run                = "false"
  cleaner_max_db_snapshot_count  = "50"
  cleaner_retention_days         = "30"
  cloudwatch_logs_retention_days = "90"
  environment                    = "staging"
  interval_minutes               = "5"
  s3_bucket                      = "lambda-builds-us-east-1"
  version_to_deploy              = "3.1"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 3.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.main resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.main resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.main resource
aws_iam_role.main resource
aws_iam_role_policy.main resource
aws_lambda_function.main resource
aws_lambda_permission.main resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cleaner_db_instance_identifier The RDS database instance identifier. string n/a yes
cleaner_dry_run Don't make any changes and log what would have happened. string n/a yes
cleaner_max_db_snapshot_count The maximum number of manual snapshots allowed. This takes precedence over -retention-days. string "" no
cleaner_retention_days The maximum retention age in days. string n/a yes
cloudwatch_kms_key_arn ARN of the Cloudwatch KMS key used for encrypting Cloudwatch log groups. string "" no
cloudwatch_logs_retention_days Number of days to keep logs in AWS CloudWatch. string 90 no
environment Environment tag, e.g prod. any n/a yes
interval_minutes How often to run the Lambda function in minutes. string 5 no
kms_key_arn ARN of the KMS key used for encrypting environment variables. string "" no
s3_bucket The name of the S3 bucket used to store the Lambda builds. string n/a yes
version_to_deploy The version the Lambda function to deploy. string n/a yes


No outputs.