Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
Welcome to the most random module on npm! 😜
- Simple TS API with zero dependencies
- Seedable
- Plugin support for different pseudo random number generators
- Includes many common distributions
- uniform, normal, poisson, bernoulli, etc
- Replacement for
which hasn't been updated in over 5 years - Supports all modern JS/TS runtimes
npm install random
import random from 'random'
// quick uniform shortcuts
random.float((min = 0), (max = 1)) // uniform float in [ min, max ) = 0), (max = 1)) // uniform integer in [ min, max ]
random.boolean() // true or false
// uniform distribution
random.uniform((min = 0), (max = 1)) // () => [ min, max )
random.uniformInt((min = 0), (max = 1)) // () => [ min, max ]
random.uniformBoolean() // () => [ false, true ]
// normal distribution
random.normal((mu = 0), (sigma = 1))
random.logNormal((mu = 0), (sigma = 1))
// bernoulli distribution
random.bernoulli((p = 0.5))
random.binomial((n = 1), (p = 0.5))
random.geometric((p = 0.5))
// poisson distribution
random.poisson((lambda = 1))
random.exponential((lambda = 1))
// misc distribution
For convenience, several common uniform samplers are exposed directly:
random.float() // 0.2149383367670885, 100) // 72
random.boolean() // true
// random array item
random.choice([1, true, 'foo']) // 'foo'
// shuffle arrays
random.shuffle([1, true, 'foo']) // ['foo', 1, true]
const dist = random.shuffler([1, true, 'foo'])
dist() // [true, 'foo', 1]
dist() // ['foo', true, 1]
dist() // [1, 'foo', true]
All distribution methods return a thunk (function with no params), which will return a series of independent, identically distributed random variables from the specified distribution.
// create a normal distribution with default params (mu=1 and sigma=0)
const normal = random.normal()
normal() // 0.4855465422678824
normal() // -0.06696771815439678
normal() // 0.7350852689834705
// create a poisson distribution with default params (lambda=1)
const poisson = random.poisson()
poisson() // 0
poisson() // 4
poisson() // 1
Note that returning a thunk here is more efficient when generating multiple samples from the same distribution.
You can change the underlying PRNG or its seed as follows:
// change the underlying pseudo random number generator seed.
// by default, Math.random is used as the underlying PRNG, but it is not seedable,
// so if a seed is given, we use an ARC4 PRNG (the same one used by `seedrandom`).
// create a new independent random number generator with a different seed
const rng = random.clone('my-new-seed')
// create a third independent random number generator using a custom PRNG
import seedrandom from 'seedrandom'
const rng2 = random.clone(seedrandom('kitty-seed'))
You can also instantiate a fresh instance of Random
import { Random } from 'random'
const rng = new Random() // (uses Math.random)
const rng2 = new Random('my-seed-string')
const rng3 = new Random(() => {
/* custom PRNG */ return Math.random()
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
Defaults to Math.random as its underlying pseudorandom number generator.
Type: function (rng)
(RNG | function) Underlying pseudorandom number generator. (optional, defaultMath.random
Type: function ()
- See: RNG.clone
Creates a new Random
instance, optionally specifying parameters to
set a new seed.
Type: function (args, seed, opts): Random
string? Optional seed for new RNG.opts
object? Optional config for new RNG options.
Sets the underlying pseudorandom number generator used via
either an instance of seedrandom
, a custom instance of RNG
(for PRNG plugins), or a string specifying the PRNG to use
along with an optional seed
and opts
to initialize the
Type: function (args)
import random from 'random'
// or
// or
Convenience wrapper around
Returns a floating point number in [0, 1).
Type: function (): number
Samples a uniform random floating point number, optionally specifying lower and upper bounds.
Convence wrapper around random.uniform()
Type: function (min, max): number
number Lower bound (float, inclusive) (optional, default0
number Upper bound (float, exclusive) (optional, default1
Samples a uniform random integer, optionally specifying lower and upper bounds.
Convence wrapper around random.uniformInt()
Type: function (min, max): number
number Lower bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default0
number Upper bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default1
Samples a uniform random integer, optionally specifying lower and upper bounds.
Convence wrapper around random.uniformInt()
Type: function (min, max): number
number Lower bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default0
number Upper bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default1
Samples a uniform random boolean value.
Convence wrapper around random.uniformBoolean()
Type: function (): boolean
Samples a uniform random boolean value.
Convence wrapper around random.uniformBoolean()
Type: function (): boolean
Returns an item chosen uniformly at random from the given array.
Convence wrapper around random.uniformInt()
Type: function choice <T> (array: Array<T>): T | undefined
Array Array of items to sample from
Generates a Continuous uniform distribution.
Type: function (min, max): function
number Lower bound (float, inclusive) (optional, default0
number Upper bound (float, exclusive) (optional, default1
Generates a Discrete uniform distribution.
Type: function (min, max): function
number Lower bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default0
number Upper bound (integer, inclusive) (optional, default1
Generates a Discrete uniform distribution,
with two possible outcomes, true
or false
This method is analogous to flipping a coin.
Type: function (): function
Generates a Normal distribution.
Type: function (mu, sigma): function
Generates a Log-normal distribution.
Type: function (mu, sigma): function
number Mean of underlying normal distribution (optional, default0
number Standard deviation of underlying normal distribution (optional, default1
Generates a Bernoulli distribution.
Type: function (p): function
number Success probability of each trial. (optional, default0.5
Generates a Binomial distribution.
Type: function (n, p): function
number Number of trials. (optional, default1
number Success probability of each trial. (optional, default0.5
Generates a Geometric distribution.
Type: function (p): function
number Success probability of each trial. (optional, default0.5
Generates a Poisson distribution.
Type: function (lambda): function
number Mean (lambda > 0) (optional, default1
Generates an Exponential distribution.
Type: function (lambda): function
number Inverse mean (lambda > 0) (optional, default1
Generates an Irwin Hall distribution.
Type: function (n): function
number Number of uniform samples to sum (n >= 0) (optional, default1
Generates a Bates distribution.
Type: function (n): function
number Number of uniform samples to average (n >= 1) (optional, default1
Generates a Pareto distribution.
Type: function (alpha): function
number Alpha (optional, default1
Generates a Weibull distribution.
Type: function (lambda, k): function
- uniform
- uniformInt
- uniformBoolean
- normal
- logNormal
- chiSquared
- cauchy
- fischerF
- studentT
- bernoulli
- binomial
- negativeBinomial
- geometric
- poisson
- exponential
- gamma
- hyperExponential
- weibull
- beta
- laplace
- irwinHall
- bates
- pareto
- pluggable prng
- port more prng from boost / seedrandom
- d3-random - D3's excellent random number generation library.
- seedrandom - Seedable pseudo random number generator.
- random-int - For the common use case of generating uniform random ints.
- random-float - For the common use case of generating uniform random floats.
- randombytes - Random crypto bytes for Node.js and the browser.
- jshash prngs
Thanks go to Andrew Moss for the TypeScript port and for helping to maintain this package.
Shoutout to Roger Combs for donating the random
npm package for this project!
Lots of inspiration from d3-random (@mbostock and @svanschooten).
Some distributions and PRNGs are ported from C++ boost::random.
MIT © Travis Fischer
Support my OSS work by following me on twitter