This guide will walk you through the process of registering as an keepr (operator) to TriggerX AVS and running the TriggerX software.
- Registered Eigenlayer Operator Account: Ensure you have a fully registered Eigenlayer operator account. If you don't have one, follow the steps in the Eigenlayer User Guide to create and fund your account.
- Will be released soon.
- Open Ports:
- 9003 P2P network
- 3000 Grafana dashboards
- 9090 Prometheus
Clone this repo and run following commands
git clone
cd triggerx-keeper-setup
Edit triggerx_keeper.yaml
and update the values for your setup.
The register process requires two sets of private keys: an ecdsa private key and a bls private key.
We recommend creating a new BLS pair for security reasons.
If you want to create a new BLS pair, follow the steps here.
Execute the following command to install the TriggerX CLI
curl -sSfL | sh -s
Now, run the following command to register with the TriggerX AVS
triggerx register --config triggerx_keeper.yaml
The output should look like
{demo output}
The following command will print the status of the operator
triggerx status --config triggerx_keeper.yaml