These anchor links jump further down this page
- Lesson: Elements and Nesting
- Lab: HTML Biography (Core Elements)
- Lab: Fixer Upper (Code formatting)
- Lesson: Design Principles
- Lab: New York Newspaper (Write rulesets to match a mockup)
- Lab: Shorthand Converter (Convert shorthand to HTML)
- Lab: Serious Selectors (Specificity & niche CSS selectors)
- Lesson: CSS Grid
- Lab: Grid Games (Match styled)
- Lab: Fakebook (Match unstyled HTML to a Grid mockup)
- Lab: Mockup Magic (Nested Grids)
- Lesson: CSS Flexbox
- Lab: Flexsites (Flexbox)
- Lesson: Hello World
- Lesson: Functional Components
- Lab: Dollar Pizza (Build components on an existing template)
- Lab: Furbook Profile Page (Convert HTML site to React site)
- Lesson: JavaScript Iteration
- Lab: Survey Says
- Lesson: Props + JSX
- Lab: NY State Education Data: Props (Refactor a hardcoded component to be responsive)
- Lab: New York Education Data Transparency (Use props passed to component to populate page to match a mockup)
- Lab: Street Difficult
- Lesson: Parent & Child Components (Breaking a page down into components, deciding what will be inside of what)
- Lab: Build-a-Blog (Componentize HTML into components which are nested)
- Lab: Atlas of Remote Islands (Pass props down through nested components)
- Lesson: Style Props & Inline Styling (Time of day / open / closed conditional styling)
- Lab: Crazy Clocks
- Lesson: State (State, inline events)
- Lab: Input Tiles Fidget App (State in components, inline events)
- Lab: CodeBreakers (Other inline events)
- Lesson: State (Lifecycle methods, passing state among elements)
- Lab: Create a Grocery App
- Lab: Scorekeeper
- Lesson: Data in Argument & Decision-Making
- Lab: Spin: Library Data Lab
- Lesson: Bias
- Discussion Lab: Unintentional Bias
- Discussion Lab: Critiquing Bias
- Lesson: Data Collection
- Lab: Finding Data
- Lab: Collecting Our Own Data (2 Days)
- Lesson: Statistical Measurements
- Lab: Galton Height Dataset
- Lesson: Data Analysis
- Lab: Titantic Data
- Lab: Manhattan Street Trees
- Lesson: Data Visualization
- Lab: Exploratory Visualization
- Lab: Google Maps
- Project facilitation guide
- Student Exemplar Project 1: NYC Water
- Student Exemplar Project 2: Nutrition Tracker
- Lesson: Visualizing Data with Victory
- Video: Data Vizualization with Victory Walkthrough
- Lab: Demographics Dashboard
- Lesson: Storing Data with JSON & Firebase
- Video: JSON & Firebase Walkthrough
- Lab: User Interaction Components
- Lesson: APIs in React
- Lesson: NYC Open Data
- Video: APIs Walkthrough
- Lab: Squirrel Data Explorer