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HasState as concern
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ancorgs committed Jan 10, 2014
1 parent bdedc77 commit e87ff3f
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Showing 4 changed files with 160 additions and 169 deletions.
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions app/models/concerns/has_state.rb
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module HasState

extend ActiveSupport::Concern

included do
# Requester, that is, the user asking for help.
belongs_to :user
# State changes are logged as StateChange records
has_many :state_changes, :as => :machine, :dependent => :destroy
# Transitions are logged as StateTransition records
has_many :transitions, :as => :machine, :class_name => "StateTransition"
# Manual adjustments in the state are logged as StateAdjustment records
has_many :state_adjustments, :as => :machine, :class_name => "StateAdjustment"

validates :user, :presence => true

before_save :set_state_updated_at

@assigned_states = {}
@assigned_roles = {}

# Checks whether the object has changed its state at least once in the past, no
# matters which the current state is.
# @return [Boolean] true if it has have some transition
def with_transitions?
not transitions.empty?

# Checks if the object have reached a final state
# @return [Boolean] true if no possible transitions left
def in_final_state?
state_events(:guard => false).empty?

# Notify the current state to all involved users
# Involved users means: requester + users with the tsp role + users with
# the roles designed using the macro method assign_state_to
def notify_state
people = ([self.user, :tsp] + self.class.roles_assigned_to(state)).uniq - [:requester]
HasStateMailer::notify_to(people, :state, self, self.human_state_name, self.state_updated_at)

# Sets the state to 'canceled'
# It works exactly in the same way that any other transition defined by
# state_machine. It's implemented in a separate way to keep the workflow as
# clean as possible. Since a cancelation can happen at any moment,
# implementing it as a regular transition could lead state_machine to the
# conclusion that 'canceled' is the only valid final state.
# return [Boolean] true if the state is updated
def cancel
return false if not can_cancel?
self.state = 'canceled'

# Check whether is active (by default, 'active' means any state
# except canceled).
# @see #can_cancel?
# @return [Boolean] if is active (not canceled)
def active?
not canceled?

# Checks whether can have a transition to 'canceled' state
# Compatibility for #cancel with transitions defined by state_machine.
# Default implementation always return true when active, meaning that
# a process can be canceled at any moment.
# Classes using this mixin should implement their own custom behaviour.
# @see #cancel
# @see #active?
# return [Boolean] true if #cancel can be called
def can_cancel?


# User internally to set the state_updated_at attribute
def set_state_updated_at
if state_changed?
self.state_updated_at = Time.current

# Class methods
module ClassMethods

# Roles involved in the workflow at any point (that is, that have
# any assigned state)
# @see #assign_state
# Used for sending important notifications
def involved_roles; @assigned_states.keys; end

# Macro-style method to define the role which is responsible of the next
# action for a given state. This definition is used for sending
# notifications and also as a default filter on lists.
# @param [#to_sym] state_name name of the state
# @param [Hash] opts :to is the only expected (and mandatory) key
# @example
# assign_state :tsp_pending, :to => :tsp
def assign_state(state_name, opts = {})
to = opts[:to]
if to.blank?
@assigned_states[to.to_sym] ||= []
@assigned_states[to.to_sym] << state_name.to_sym
@assigned_roles[state_name.to_sym] ||= []
@assigned_roles[state_name.to_sym] << to.to_sym

# Queries the state - role assignation performed via assign_state
# @see #assign_state
# @param [Role,#to_sym] role role to query
# @return [Array] array of states assigned to the given role
def states_assigned_to(role)
if role.kind_of?(UserRole)
name =
name = role.to_sym
@assigned_states[name] || []

# Queries the state - role assignation performed via assign_state
# @see #assign_state
# @param [#to_sym] state state to query
# @return [Array] array of roles assigned to the given state
def roles_assigned_to(state)
@assigned_roles[state.to_sym] || []

def notify_inactive_since(date)
where(["state in (?) and state_updated_at < ?", @assigned_roles.keys, date]).joins(:user).each do |m|
people = roles_assigned_to(m.state).map {|i| i.to_sym == :requester ? m.user : i }
HasStateMailer::notify_to(people, :state, m, m.human_state_name, m.state_updated_at)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/models/reimbursement.rb
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# Reimbursement for a given request
class Reimbursement < ActiveRecord::Base
include TravelSupportProgram::HasState
include HasState
# The associated request
belongs_to :request, :inverse_of => :reimbursement
# The expenses of the associated request, total_amount and authorized_amount
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/models/request.rb
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# Request from a user to get help from the TSP for a given event
class Request < ActiveRecord::Base
include TravelSupportProgram::HasState
include HasState
# The event the requester wants to attend.
belongs_to :event
# Estimated expenses, including (for every expense) the estimated amount,
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167 changes: 0 additions & 167 deletions lib/travel_support_program/has_state.rb

This file was deleted.

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