- edbbf9d 3.2.0
- c80f032 CodeDependencies: Bump .NET 7 to 7.0.10
- be0e60d 7thWrapperLoader: Bump nethost port to .NET 7.0.10
- bb5cf8f GameLaunch: Fix launching the game when "Show Game Launcher" is Off [ #142 ]
- 399b3fc SeventhHeavenUI: Allow DEP detection and auto/manual fixes pathways
- c57928e CodeDependencies: Bump .NET 7 to 7.0.9
- 9260ef8 7thWrapperLoader: Bump nethost port to .NET 7.0.9
- d19c579 CodeDependencies: Bump .NET 7 to 7.0.8
- d746de1 7thWrapperLoader: Bump nethost port to .NET 7.0.8
This list of changes was auto generated.