- Code refactoring
- New Feature signature
- Supports hoc features
- Remove .postForge() feature
- More tests (100% coverage)
- Readable exceptions. Not more "undefined" Component or feature names in error's texts
- add docs
Feature signature:
- As Function. It is default props feature.
- As Object. Allowed functions - props and hoc. props - it is default props feature. hoc - higher order component. Receive origin component and returns higher order component
// 1. As props feature
Feature = function(props): newProps
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}
// 2. As props feature and hoc
Feature = {
props: function(props): newProps,
hoc: function(Component: React.Component): function(props): React.Component
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}
All props features (first case) normalized into Object:
Feature = function(props): newProps;
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}
// is same with
Feature = {
props: function(props): newProps;
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}