Remember that song? - The objective of this assignment is to gain hands-on programming experience with Erlang and to get an understanding of how to implement map-reduce algorithms. The goal is to implement a simple map-reduce framework, and then use this framework to process the musiXmatch dataset (mxm), the official collection of lyrics from the Million Song Dataset.
start(N) ->
%% we get the reducer and mappers form the init function
{Reducer, Mappers} = init(N),
%% after that we get start the coordinator loop
{ok, spawn(fun() -> coordinator_loop(Reducer, Mappers) end)}.
%%starting the reducer loop function
init(N) ->
init(N,spawn(fun() -> reducer_loop() end), []).
%% initializing the mappers using pattern matching and adding them to the Map list recursively
init(N, Red, Map) when N > 0 ->
init(N-1, Red, [spawn(fun() -> mapper_loop(Red, fun() -> mapper end) end)]++Map);
init(0, Red, Map) -> {Red, Map}. %% returning the reducer and mappers list
The init
function starts a Reducer by spawning a reducer_loop and the using
pattern matching instanciates the mapper processes and the retuns the tuple with
the Reducer (Red) and list of Mappers (Map).
After that we spawn a coordonator with the Reducer and list of Mappers.
{From, {init, MapFun, RedFun, RedInit, Data}} ->
% io:format("~p initializing the reducer and mappers~n", [self()]),
%% get the length of the list of elements to analyze
DataLength = length(Data),
%% initialize the reducer
async(Reducer,{self(),{start,RedFun, RedInit, DataLength, From}}),
%% init the mappers
init_mappers(Mappers, MapFun),
%% everything went ok
coordinator_loop(Reducer, Mappers);
We find the length of the data list (DataLength
). Then we send the reducer function
), the initial value of the reducer (RedInit
), the data length and the Pid (From
) of
the coordinator. After that we init the mappers with the map function (MapFun
{_, {start, Data}} ->
%% send data to the mappers
send_data(Mappers, Data),
coordinator_loop(Reducer, Mappers);
%%send data to mappers
send_data(Mappers, Data) ->
recursive_send(Mappers, Mappers, Data).
recursive_send(Mappers, [Mid|Queue], [D|Data]) ->
data_async(Mid, D),
recursive_send(Mappers, Queue, Data);
recursive_send(Mappers, [], Data) ->
recursive_send(Mappers, Mappers, Data);
recursive_send(_, _, []) -> ok.
The coordinator sends the data to the mappers by redistributing piece by piece until we are left out of data chunks.
{data, Data} ->
% io:format("Data: ~p~n", [Data]),
Res = lists:map(Fun,[Data]),
async(Reducer,{self(), {result, Res}}),
mapper_loop(Reducer, Fun);
The mapper receives the data and applies the function to the chunk of data and sends the result to the reducer .
%%% get data from mappers
gather_data_from_mappers(Fun, Acc, Missing) ->
{stop_gather, Acc} ->
%% return the accumulator
{_, {result, ChunkOfData}} ->
Res = (lists:foldl(Fun, Acc, ChunkOfData)),
Miss = Missing - 1,
if Miss >= 1 ->
gather_data_from_mappers(Fun, Res, Miss);
true -> async(self(),{stop_gather,Res})
Unknown ->
io:format("[GDFM] Unknown message: ~p~n",[Unknown]),
gather_data_from_mappers(Fun, Acc, Missing)
We fold to the left the list of data and continue to do so until we finish the
computation that's being added to the accumulator Acc
. Then we send a stop_gather
and return the value in the accumulator Acc
####1. Compile using make
user:shell$ make test
####2. Run the tests
1> tester:test().