- Basic deeplab v3+ model, using modified xception as backbone
- Training deeplab v3+ on Pascal VOC 2012, SBD, Cityscapes datasets
- Results evaluation on Pascal VOC 2012 test set
- Deeplab v3+ model using resnet as backbone
This is a PyTorch(0.4.0) implementation of DeepLab-V3-Plus. It can use Modified Aligned Xception and ResNet as backbone. Currently, we train DeepLab V3 Plus using Pascal VOC 2012, SBD and Cityscapes datasets.
We trained deeplab v3+ (xception) on Pascal VOC 2012 and SBD datasets. After 50 training epoch, our deeplab v3+ model can reach 74.4% mIoU on Pascal VOC 2012 test set. More results will be available soon!
The code was tested with Anaconda and Python 3.5. After installing the Anaconda environment:
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/jfzhang95/pytorch-deeplab-xception.git cd pytorch-deeplab-xception
Install dependencies:
For PyTorch dependency, see pytorch.org for more details.
For custom dependencies:
pip install matplotlib pillow tensorboardX
Configure your dataset path in mypath.py.
You can train deeplab v3+ using xception or resnet as backbone.
To train DeepLabV3+ on Pascal VOC 2012, please do:
python train.py
To train it on Cityscapes, please do:
python train_cityscapes.py