This is work-in-progress for a weather station built around an ESP32 running Micropython. The sensors are:
- bme680 temperature, humidity, pressure, VOC sensor
- sht31 temperature, humidity sensor
- si7021 temperature, humidity sensor
- PMS X003 particulate sensor
- Davis instruments tipping rain gauge
- Inspeed wind vane and anemometer
The weather station sends data to:
- MQTT (for local processing in node-red)
- CWOP (Citizen's Weather) via APRS
- Wunderground
This repository contain work-in-progress.
- This app requires micropython 1.12 or later, and most likely the version in
- The
files in the top-level directory should be copied to the board's top-level. They are expected not to change over the lifetime of the board. - The
files in the src subdir contain the bulk of the weather station code and should be copied into a src subdir on the board. These files are expected to change (improve!) with releases of this repo. - A lib dir also needs to be created on the board with specific libraries from my mpy-lib repo.