A tool for visualizing Nix dependency graphs produced by nixtract
This tool is still in a prototype stage and is subject to bugs and major changes. Please report any issues you encounter 😄.
This project is packaged with Nix. You will need Nix installed and the Nix flakes
feature enabled to run nixplorer
. One good option for doing this is the Nix installer
available here: https://github.com/DeterminateSystems/nix-installer.
First, install and run nixtract for the target of choice. This can generally be done either via pip or Nix.
With pip:
# Assumes that you already have Python installed
pip install nixtract
nixtract --target-attribute-path python3Packages.jedi example-graph.jsonl
Or via the Nix flake:
nix run github:tweag/nixtract -- --target-attribute-path python3Packages.jedi example-graph.jsonl
Once you have an input graph JSONL file you are ready to run nixplorer. You can do so using the project's Nix flake. For example:
nix run .#nixplorer -- --graph ./example-graph.jsonl
nixplorer will prepare the graph and launch its front-end in a browser window. You can also navigate to the application in the browser yourself at
The first time you load the ui, you will need to configure a connection for the nixplorer back-end which is running at
We currently leverage AWS's graph-explorer for the nixplorer UI. Some key features include:
- Searching for derivations by attributes (e.g. name, license)
- Viewing data in a table
- Plotting stylable subgraphs and exporting static images
You can find further documentation on how to use graph-explorer at it's homepage here: https://github.com/aws/graph-explorer.
This project is implemented in Python along with some Nix packaging for applications we leverage under the hood such as AWS's Graph Explorer.
The project is packaged using a combination of Nix and Poetry. You can use the project's Nix shell to get an environment which includes both Poetry and the binaries we depend on such as Janusgraph and Graph Explorer.
The only system requirement is Nix with the flakes feature enabled.
nix develop
Once in the shell you can use Poetry as usual for local development:
# Install dependencies
poetry install
# Enter a Poetry shell
poetry shell
We leverage alejandra
for formatting Nix code (provided by the Nix shell) and a
combination of black
, ruff
, and pyright
for formatting and linting Python code
(provided by Poetry).